Photo Gallery 2
With Sandra Kuck in Kitchener. She doesn't need a name tag to be recognized.
With Rich Thistle, the great aviation artist.
With Ingrid Hunt, Canada's best miniature art creator.
My good buddy Randy Potter (the pilot) and I ready to fly around Sudbury for some great aerial photos.
Andrew Lowe and I ham it up for a publicity shot, advertising my 2001 exhibit, including Andy's live performance with songs from his CD, "A Sudbury Songbook".
I'm third from the right in this photo of the Molson Indy artists in Toronto 2000. Gerald McLaughlin was the show organizer with his "Smoke and Mirrors" publishing company.
Here I am with my dream car of the 1960's. The 1963 Chrysler Turbine car. It made history and even landed the title role in a movie about the car.
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My freshly restored 51 Studebaker Champion, minus the hub caps.
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Replacing the air vent pans in my 66 Mustang was no easy job, but turned out perfectly