
Players posing for the camera ...

and posing for the game.

Some players love the fancy round board.

Every point counts, where is a big move?

Black, White, Black, White, Duh!

... playing in JC's ...

... a Meeting with the Cardiff go club....

Go is Fun, FUn, FUN! :-)

We play in a pub so have pint, find the move...

After a game we normaly disscuss it ...

During Fresher's Fayre we had some fair games.

And found some new members...

Go is a game of deep concentration, but some players have still time to take pictures...

The Future is not ours to see...

These ones are a little bit older...

Once upon a time the Swansea Go Club got started....

We started playing and couldn't stop. Some Cardiff Players visited us...

And we even played Pair-Go ...

Of course, we also visited the Cardiff Go Club...

During the summer we met in the Cricketers..

And some of us made a visit to Edinburgh...