(Okay kids, here's another famous Nigerian scam and the way it works is if you have an item to sell, and you post it on the inernet the Nigerian scammer will email you as if he is interested. He will then ask if he can send payment in the form of a very good fake cashiers check way over the asking price. A friend who was trying to sell a computer on-line received an email he thought sounded odd so he brought it to me to see what I thought. I knew it was a scam and told him to let me go after the prick. Read along and see how I deal with this asshole.)

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 04:02:04 -0800 (PST)
From: "Susie Chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer
To: "lanre bam"

Dear Sir,
I got your name from a friend of a friend who said that you might be interested in a laptop computer. I have a Dell for sale that I am selling for $599.00. I was asking $700.00. Attached is a picture and if you would like more information just email me.


Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 04:02:04 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer
To: "susie chapstick"
dear susie, thanks for getting in touch,i am really interested nad impress in the pics . i will like you to calculate shipping cost via FEDEX as well. and let me have the total amount i will be paying you.

payment will by by certified check,money order or western union. regards

Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 05:15:46 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer
To: "lanre bam"

I will pay for the shipping charges.


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 08:29:44 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "susie chapstick"

Thanks for getting back. i will arrange for pick up from you via UPS.i will also like to see pics of it and also the working condition till date. regading payment this is what am going to do.(Here's the scam)

i have a clietns in the USA who is owing me the sum of $3500.
He has been owing me for a while now,so he will be issuing out payment to you via a cashiers check or a money order drawn from a US bank.the reason why am doing so is that a check sent from here in africa takes 30 days to clear,while a check within united states clear tops within 24-48 hrs.

you will deduct your own money get back to me with the remaining balance.i will be using part of the remainder of the money to arrange for for the shipment with insurance.
if my terms are ok by you. kindly let me have your contact name (to be on the check)and address where payment will be sent to. payment including your phone #.
get back soon so that we can round things up in a timely fashion.

Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 11:44:30 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"

Okay, I will claim it as sold to you then. When do you think you can send the money as I am moving as soon as I find an apartment? I have been renting a house but need to move now so I need to know what address to give you.


Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 05:11:37 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "susie chapstick"

Hello, sorry for getting back late. we will be rounding this up nextweek,i need yuor address and full name to be on the check.also your contact phone #.
do get back and lets round this up in a timely fashion.

Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2004 13:05:19 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"

Please mail the check to:
Susie "got mike?" Chapstick
419 NE 19th Str.
////, WA. 98419
I'm in the process of changing cell phone carryer's at the moment so I don't have aphone number to give you.
Please make an attempt to send the check as soon as possible as I will be moving shortly. And if you could please let me know when you mailed it so I know when to expect it. I need to hurry up and get this sold.

Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 03:19:10 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "susie chapstick"

OK. which courier will you be using in shipping it down to me.i prefer fedex.
i will let you know when payment is on yuor way.
hopefully soon,get back and lets round this up in a timely fashion.
best regards

Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 08:58:22 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"

Fed Ex works for me.

(I didn't hear from him for a few days so I nudge him)

Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 08:58:22 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"

Hey lame brain, do you want this computer or not? I need to sell the F'ing thing.


Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 07:16:55 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "susie chapstick"

Hello, i really need the computer and i will like you to knowthat yuo will be recieving payment nextweek tuesday or wednesday.
be calm.consider it sold .

Date: Thu, 29 Jan 2004 20:45:50 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"

Okay, Wednesday at the latest.

Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 14:24:04 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"
Hey lame brain, its now Wednesday and I haven't heard if
you've sent the money. I need to get this sold. Please
let me know.



Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 01:33:44 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "susie chapstick"

Hello, payment is already on yuor way,its wednesday morining here,so i get what time is is there.
you will be recieving tomorrow morining via fedex at 10.30 am. kinldy have my laptop packed and ready for shipment,im in dire need of it.
here is excerpt of the scan activity,so you ahve to be around to recieve it by tomorow morning via fedex.
Ship date Feb 2, 2004
Estimated delivery date Feb 5, 2004 by 10:30 am

Delivery location
////// WA
Service type
Priority Envelope

Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 12:45:49 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"

Great! Do you have a tracking number so I can be sure that I'm there when it arrives. The computer is already boxed and ready to ship.


(I didn't need a tracking number as the check was waiting for me when I arrived home from work.)

(This is a very passable cashiers check.)

(Okay the emails should come fast and furious now because the scammer knows the bank will notify me in a couple of days to say I've been scammed)

Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2004 20:05:06 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: plz today..........
To: "susie chapstick"

hello ,
Thanks for getting back to me,i was made to understand that the check was delivered at your place ,it was recieved by M.******. its all inline with a present predicament here,i just recieved a sad news in the early hours of this morning that my mum just gave up(That breaks my heart. LOL!)
I believe by now yoy have the check with you so right know,and subsequentky cash it cash it,i want you to send me my balance via western union today below is the address and name to send the funds via western union and address to shipped to.
You will make it payable to my personal asistance as i will be very busy with the funeral arrangements.
pls,help me send the funds today,you will get back to me with the MTCN CONTROL NUMBER, SENRDERS INFO,TEST QUESTION AND ANSWER to cash the funds.all this will be given to you at the western union point after you must have sent the money.
I am aware of the charges at the western union,plz you can deduct it from the balance.
get back soon

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 00:10:55 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: what is happening
To: "susie chapstick"

i need to hear from you,what are you up to?now that you have recieive payment,you have not respond to me,what is going on?, i told you my plight already.
i want you to help me send the fund today unfailingly and shipped out my laptops asap too.
here is the info again,to send the money via western union ,also is the address to shipped to.
i need to hear from you soonest.

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 06:38:48 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "susie chapstick"

hello, i need to hear from you soon,did you get my previous email.
also,i need your contact phone # too.
get back

Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 12:20:23 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: ****AUTO RESPONSE****
To: "lanre bam"


Dear Family and friends,

Well, I finally did it, I sold everything and moved to Las Vegas. Sin city yeah baby. I moved in with Romeo. I know nobody thought I would do it but I did.

Midget Dave, I am sorry to tell you this but size does matter.

Frank, you are a shit.

Carol, I'm sorry but I sold the laptop computer.

Kenneth Lay will be in charge of the entire operations of got mike industries until we move it to Las Vegas. I will then resume my CEO roll to expand got mike industries into third world countries. You know our motto, "If there's money to steal we want to steal it."

My new address is:
3295 Pecos Mcleod
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Got Mike corporate office is undecided at this time.
If you need to reach me call me on my cell phone.
Best wishes to everyone and when you're in Las Vegas stop in and see me.

Luv ya,



(Time to let him know he's the luckiest scammer in the world)

Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 11:19:32 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"

Hi, and sorry I didn't get back to you but I think I did tell you I was moving. I wasn't there to get the check and don't know who signed for it but I left a forwarding address and they sent it to me.

Now here's the real exciting news. I deposited the check into my savings and withdrew the $4100.00 to send back to you when my boyfriend Romeo talked me into playing a slot machine we used up around $2,000 dollars and then WHAM! WE HIT IT BIG. YES, $400,000. I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCKING EXCITED I THINK I AM HAVING AN ORGASM!!!!!!

I am sorry for using your money and for doing this I'd like to give you 10% of my winnings as it was really your money. So I am sending you $40,000, but I probably won't be able to send it until Tuesday or Wednesday so I hope that is alright.

I'll send the money through Western Union so what bank do you want me to send it to?


(Here they are Romeo and Julia and look how happy they are. I intentionally made the got mike look sloppy. I got a bigger laugh out of it this way.)

(For some reason he stopped emailing me. Perhaps he thought I'd know by now that the check was no good. Or he didn't have any money to pay for computer time at the internet Cafe. Let's see if I can bait him back.)

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 12:05:10 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: Re: Laptop Computer .........payment
To: "lanre bam"

Dear lame brain, I need to know what bank you want me to send the money to. I need to get this done as I have a business to move to Vegas and don't have time for this.

Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 01:52:53 -0800 (PST)
From: "lanre bam" Add to Address Book
Subject: western union
To: "susie chapstick"

You will make it payable to my personal asistance via western union money transfer to
pls,help me send the funds today,you will get back to me with the MTCN CONTROL NUMBER, SENRDERS INFO,TEST QUESTION AND ANSWER to cash the funds.all this will be given to you at the western union point after you must have sent the money.

I am aware of the charges at the western union,plz you can deduct it from the balance.
get back soon
(No mention of the laptop.)

(Okay, let's see if we can get this dude to run all over Nigeria)

Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 10:51:56 -0800 (PST)
From: "susie chapstick" Add to Address Book
Subject: All the money was sent
To: "lanre bam"

Dear Mr. lame brain, I'm sorry but Western Union will not transfer $40,000 so I had to send it in $5,000 increments. A bit of a hassle but I did get it all sent. I used the same test question at each bank to make it easier for you. Also, I had to go to 8 different Western Union branches to send the money as they would not allow me to send more than $5,000 in a single day. Did you know this because I didn't. If you did know this you should have told me. I wasted a lot of time.

Here's all the info you will need to collect the money.

Bank number #1 Zenith International Plc , Lagos
Marina Branch 58 Marina

Control Number # 3119558303
Time sent: 08:15am
Date sent: 02/10/04
Amount sent: $5,000
Test Question: got mike?
Test answer: No, mike got me.

Bank 2 First Bank Of Nigeria, Lagos
Stock Exchange House Branch
Customs Street P.O.Box 7685
Control Number # 2089448601
Time sent: 10:31am
Date sent: 02/10/04
Amount sent: $5,000
Test Question: got mike?
Test answer: No, mike got me.

3. First Bank Of Nigeria, Benin City
208 Siloko Road Siloko Branch
Control Number # 0224127736
Time sent: 10:48am
Date sent: 02/10/04
Amount sent: $5,000
Test Question: got mike?
Test answer: No, mike got me.

(I won't list all the other banks, but just know that the total number of banks is eight.)

The computer should arrive to you on Friday.

Thanks again for buying my computer and I hope you can use the $40,000. It was your money that won me the money so it is only fair I give back to the one giving to me. Any questions send me an email.

Best wishes,



(Lame brains journey)

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