Thanks to Joseph Smith, Jr. ( and Blair Dyer, N2YOW ( who supplemented and updated the information found on this page.


155.655 - State Police - F-1 (Troop C - Base)
154.950 - State Police - F-1 (Troop C - Mobile)
154.665 - State Police - F-2 (Unit-to-Unit)
154.695 - State Police - F-3 (Statewide Alerts/Emergencies)
155.565 - State Police - F-4 (Criminal Investigation/Tactical)
155.370 - State Police - F-5 (Statewide Intersystem)
155.475 - State Police - F-6 (Nationwide Intersystem)
155.070 - State Police
39.46 - State Police
42.14 - State Police
151.340 - State Parks Police (PL 100.0)
159.225 - State Environmental Conservation Police - F-1
160.560 - Conrail Police
154.800 - County Sheriff - F-1 (Dispatch)(PL 103.5)
158.730 - County Sheriff - Unit-to-Unit (PL 103.5)
155.370 - County Sheriff - Statewide Intersystem
157.000 - County Jail
39.46 - County Sheriff - Inactive
158.850 - Binghamton Police - F-1 (PL 103.5)
155.535 - Binghamton Police - Narcotics/Investigations
154.800 - Binghamton Police - County Sheriff's Channel
155.370 - Binghamton Police - Statewide Intersystem
155.010 - Binghamton Police
453.100 - Binghamton Police
37.08 - Binghamton Police - Inactive
154.875 - Binghamton Police - Inactive
155.130 - Endicott Police
154.800 - Endicott Police - County Sheriff's Channel
155.370 - Endicott Police - Statewide Intersystem
155.430 - Johnson City Police
154.800 - Port Dickinson Police - County Sheriff's Channel
155.370 - Port Dickinson Police - Statewide Intersystem
155.310 - Vestal Town Police - F-1
460.300 - Vestal Town Police
155.370 - Vestal Town Police - Statewide Intersystem
159.090 - Vestal Town Police
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33.90 - Countywide Fire Communications - F-1 (Dispatch)(PL 91.5)
33.94 - Countywide Fire Communications - F-2 (PL 91.5)
33.98 - Countywide Fire Communications - F-3 (PL 91.5)
33.82 - Countywide Fire Communications - F-4 (PL 91.5)
45.88 - Countywide Fire Communications - Intercounty Mutual Aid
154.310 - Countywide Fire Communications
154.370 - Countywide Fire Communications
33.86 - County Fire Communications - Inactive
460.575 - Binghamton Fire Department - F-1 (PL 162.2)
33.52 - Castle Creek Fire Company
33.72 - Castle Creek Fire Company
33.52 - Chenango Fire Company
153.830 - Deposit Fire Department
33.52 - East Maine Fire Company
154.370 - Endicott Fire Department - F-1
154.310 - Endicott Fire Department
153.770 - Endwell Fire District
154.010 - Endwell Fire District
154.265 - Endwell Fire District
460.625 - Johnson City Fire Department - F-1
33.86 - Johnson City Fire Department - Pagers
465.525 - Johnson City Fire Department
33.64 - Union Center Fire Company
154.310 - Vestal Fire District - F-1
153.770 - Vestal Fire District - F-2
153.890 - Vestal Fire District
154.355 - Vestal Fire District
453.050 - Vestal Fire District
154.370 - West Corners Fire District - F-1
154.190 - West Corners Fire District - F-2
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462.950 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-9 (Dispatch)
462.975 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-10 (Dispatch)
463.000 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-1
463.025 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-2
463.050 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-3
463.075 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-4
463.100 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-5
463.125 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-6
463.150 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-7
463.175 - Countywide E.M.S. - Med-8
47.42 - American National Red Cross
155.280 - Binghamton General Hospital
155.340 - Binghamton General Hospital
155.400 - Binghamton General Hospital
463.850 - Binghamton General Hospital
155.160 - Broome Volunteer Emergency Squad (PL 103.5)
155.280 - C.S. Wilson Memorial Ambulance
155.400 - C.S. Wilson Memorial Ambulance
464.225 - Donson Transportation Services
155.205 - Harpurs Ferry Student Volunteer Ambulance
152.0075 - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital - Paging
154.515 - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
155.280 - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
155.340 - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
155.400 - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
462.775 - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital - Paging
464.375 - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
464.975 - Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
155.205 - S.U.N.Y. at Binghamton - Ambulance
155.220 - Superior Ambulance Service
155.340 - Superior Ambulance Service
155.175 - Union Volunteer Emergency Squad
155.340 - Union Volunteer Emergency Squad
155.400 - Union Volunteer Emergency Squad
155.280 - United Health Services Hospitals
155.340 - United Health Services Hospitals
155.400 - United Health Services Hospitals
461.200 - United Health Services Hospitals
463.975 - United Health Services Hospitals
464.325 - United Health Services Hospitals
464.875 - United Health Services Hospitals
464.925 - United Health Services Hospitals
155.235 - Vestal Volunteer Emergency Squad
155.340 - Vestal Volunteer Emergency Squad
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State Government/Services

47.40 - State D.O.T. - Statewide Mobile-to-Base
47.22 - State D.O.T. - Statewide Unit-to-Unit
47.02 - State D.O.T.
47.04 - State D.O.T.
47.06 - State D.O.T.
47.14 - State D.O.T.
47.18 - State D.O.T.
47.24 - State D.O.T.
47.32 - State D.O.T.
47.34 - State D.O.T.
151.145 - State Parks & Recreation Commission
151.340 - State Parks & Recreation Commission - Police (PL 100.0)
159.435 - State D.E.C. - Repeater
159.300 - State D.E.C. - Repeater
151.280 - State D.E.C. - F-2
151.220 - State D.E.C. - F-1
151.250 - State D.E.C. - F-3
151.265 - State D.E.C. - F-4
159.225 - State D.E.C. - Environmental Conservation Police (F-1)
170.275 - State Services
173.2875 - State Services
409.675 - State Services
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Local Government/Services

151.025 - Broome County Highway Department
156.060 - Broome County Highway Department
45.48 - County Parks Department - Security
453.875 - County Transit
45.40 - County Emergency Management Agency
453.675 - County Services
45.32 - County Services
45.60 - County Services
173.2375 - County Services
156.225 - Binghamton Town Highway Department
159.180 - Binghamton Town Highway Department
155.760 - Binghamton Highway Department (PL 127.3)
453.475 - Binghamton Municipal Services
159.165 - Chenango Town Highway Department
155.715 - Colesville Town Services
158.820 - Colesville Town Services
156.225 - Conklin Town Highway Department
159.180 - Conklin Town Highway Department
453.950 - Conklin Town Services
156.165 - Deposit Highway Department
159.060 - Deposit Highway Department
155.025 - Dickinson Town Services
153.800 - Endicott Municipal Services
154.980 - Endicott Municipal Services
151.100 - Johnson City D.P.W.
153.500 - Johnson City Municipal Utilities
453.475 - Johnson City Municipal Services
156.225 - Kirkwood Town Highway Department
151.010 - Lisle Town Highway Department
156.120 - Lisle Town Highway Department
151.070 - Maine Town Highway Department
453.225 - Union Town D.P.W.
154.100 - Union Town Services
150.995 - Vestal Town Highway Department
151.085 - Windsor Town Highway Department
156.240 - Windsor Town Highway Department
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35.96 - AR Cable Services
464.525 - Binghamton Cogeneration
463.200 - Cablevision Industries
451.450 - Citizen's Telecommunications Company
33.38 - Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation
153.500 - Johnson City Municipal Utilities
451.675 - MCI Telecommunications Corporation
48.04 - New York State Electric & Gas
48.08 - New York State Electric & Gas
48.32 - New York State Electric & Gas
153.275 - New York State Electric & Gas
153.485 - New York State Electric & Gas
153.560 - New York State Electric & Gas
153.605 - New York State Electric & Gas
153.635 - New York State Electric & Gas
153.650 - New York State Electric & Gas
153.680 - New York State Electric & Gas
153.710 - New York State Electric & Gas
158.1525 - New York State Electric & Gas
158.160 - New York State Electric & Gas
158.220 - New York State Electric & Gas
159.525 - New York State Electric & Gas
159.555 - New York State Electric & Gas
159.645 - New York State Electric & Gas
159.675 - New York State Electric & Gas
159.720 - New York State Electric & Gas
160.050 - New York State Electric & Gas
160.125 - New York State Electric & Gas
160.215 - New York State Electric & Gas
160.935 - New York State Electric & Gas
161.025 - New York State Electric & Gas
161.550 - New York State Electric & Gas
173.350 - New York State Electric & Gas
451.075 - New York State Electric & Gas
151.895 - Time Warner Entertainment
462.475 - U.S. Sprint Communications Company
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161.700 - American Radio Systems License
450.650 - American Radio Systems License
455.650 - American Radio Systems License
173.325 - Binghamton Press Company
947.000 - BS Investment Company - S.T.L.
948.375 - Butternut Broadcasting Company - S.T.L.
948.625 - Butternut Broadcasting Company - S.T.L.
945.875 - Delaware County Broadcasting Company - S.T.L.
946.125 - Delaware County Broadcasting Company - S.T.L.
945.500 - Enterprise Media of Binghamton - S.T.L.
450.550 - Gateway Communications
455.550 - Gateway Communications
950.000 - KG Broadcasting, Inc. - S.T.L.
161.700 - Southern Tier Educational T V
161.760 - Southern Tier Educational T V
450.020 - Stainless Broadcasting Company
455.925 - Stainless Broadcasting Company
951.000 - Stoner Broadcasting System - S.T.L.
151.655 - U.S. Broadcast Group Licensee
946.875 - Uhuru Communications, Inc. - S.T.L.
947.125 - Uhuru Communications, Inc. - S.T.L.
944.500 - WEBO Radio Inc. - S.T.L.
951.000 - WEBO Radio Inc. - S.T.L.
450.980 - WSKG Public Telecommunications
948.0125 - WSKG Public Telecommunications - S.T.L.
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151.745 - Binghamton City School District
151.805 - Binghamton City School District
460.650 - Binghamton University
464.125 - Broome County Child Development
154.540 - Broome-Delaware-Tioga B.O.C.E.S.
461.375 - Broome-Delaware-Tioga B.O.C.E.S.
461.925 - Broome-Delaware-Tioga B.O.C.E.S.
151.805 - Broome Developmental Services
154.515 - Chenango Forks Central Schools
155.100 - Chenango Forks Central Schools - Buses
463.825 - Harpursville Central School District
463.300 - Maine-Endwell Central School District
154.115 - S.U.N.Y at Binghamton (PL 103.5)
154.570 - S.U.N.Y at Binghamton
453.4125 - S.U.N.Y at Binghamton
453.525 - S.U.N.Y at Binghamton
453.750 - S.U.N.Y at Binghamton
453.800 - S.U.N.Y at Binghamton
155.205 - S.U.N.Y. at Binghamton - Ambulance
463.200 - S.U.N.Y at Binghamton - Student Association
462.125 - Susquehanna Valley Central Schools
461.625 - Union-Endicott Central School District
151.715 - Vestal Central Schools
464.650 - Vestal Central Schools
463.475 - Whitney Point Central Schools
461.100 - Windsor Central School District
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Taxi/Limousine/Bus Companies

152.270 - Binghamton Dispatch Company
157.530 - Binghamton Dispatch Company
152.360 - Binghamton Red Top Transportation
157.620 - Binghamton Red Top Transportation
453.875 - Broome County Transit
155.100 - Chenango Forks Central Schools - Buses
155.265 - Edward Howard Bus Service
452.650 - Hudson Transit Lines
154.515 - Laidlaw Transit
152.450 - Owl Taxi (Binghamton)
157.710 - Owl Taxi (Binghamton)
452.850 - Southern Tier Stages Inc.
152.330 - Yellow Transportation Service (Binghamton)
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159.495 - Brinks Inc. (Binghamton)
467.8125 - Brinks Inc. (Binghamton)
159.915 - Central Transport Inc.
461.825 - Don Snow Trucking Inc.
856.8625 - Federal Express Corporation
154.515 - Mapes Moving & Storage (Vestal)
160.155 - Pfaff & Son Truckmen (Binghamton)
159.930 - Roadway Express
43.90 - Rogers Trucking Company (Binghamton)
44.28 - Roots Express Inc. (Binghamton)
44.22 - TNT Red Star Express
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935.8875 - Association of American Railroads - Train Tracking System
935.9375 - Association of American Railroads - Train Tracking System
935.9875 - Association of American Railroads - Train Tracking System
936.8875 - Association of American Railroads - Train Tracking System
936.9375 - Association of American Railroads - Train Tracking System
936.9875 - Association of American Railroads - Train Tracking System
161.475 - Canadian Pacific Limited - Road (F-1)
160.590 - Canadian Pacific Limited - Yard
160.425 - Canadian Pacific Limited
161.400 - Canadian Pacific Limited
160.620 - Delaware Otsego Corporation
161.130 - Penn Central Communcations Company (Conrail) - Maintenance
160.800 - Penn Central Communications Company (Conrail) - Road
161.070 - Penn Central Communications Company (Conrail) - Amtrak Road
160.560 - Penn Central Communications Company (Conrail) - Police
160.710 - Penn Central Communications Company (Conrail)
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129.150 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. (Binghamton)
129.400 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. (Binghamton)
130.000 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. (Binghamton)
130.550 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. (Binghamton)
130.825 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. (Binghamton)
131.200 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. (Binghamton)
131.550 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. (Binghamton)
131.725 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. (Binghamton)
129.550 - Aeronautical Radio Inc. - Miller Aviation
119.300 - Edwin A. Link Field - Tower
121.900 - Edwin A. Link Field - Ground Control
128.150 - Edwin A. Link Field - Clearance Delivery
133.350 - Edwin A. Link Field - Approach/Departure
122.400 - Edwin A. Link Field - F.S.S.
122.800 - Tri-Cities Airport - Unicom
121.700 - Tri-Cities Airport - Clearance Delivery
118.600 - Tri-Cities Airport - Approach/Departure
133.350 - Tri-Cities Airport - Approach/Departure
151.805 - Tri-Cities Airport - Operations
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463.200 - Allyn's Towing & Collision Service (Binghamton)
151.835 - Fleet Maintenance (Johnson City)
151.895 - Fleet Maintenance (Johnson City)
461.400 - Wilcox's Service Center (Binghamton)
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Fuel Oil/Gas/Coal Companies

464.100 - A-OK Fuel
452.025 - Broome Bituminous Products (Binghamton)
33.22 - Buckeye Pipe Line Company
33.38 - Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation
151.520 - Lindsey Oil Company (Port Crane)
49.10 - Mobile Pipe Line Company
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Plumbing/Heating/Electrical Contractors

151.835 - ANC Heating & Air Conditioning (Endicott)
464.575 - A. Cimini Heating & Refrigeration
35.96 - A.C. Spear Electric Inc. (Binghamton)
35.10 - Blanding Electric Inc. (Vestal)
464.225 - Mauro's Plumbing Heating
154.570 - Panko Electrical & Maintenance
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464.100 - A.D. Bowman & Son Lumber Company (Castle Creek)
451.825 - Barney & Dickenson Inc. (Vestal)
451.950 - Bob Murphy Inc. (Binghamton)
463.225 - Boland's Excavating & Topsoil (Binghamton)
43.18 - Dellapenna Brothers Inc. (Johnson City)
462.375 - Endicott Precision
451.975 - F.S. Lopke Contracting (Endicott)
464.225 - G.W. Harris Construction Company (Afton)
151.580 - Gary Dyer Excavating & Tank Service (Vestal)
463.450 - Indian Country Inc. (Deposit)
72.78 - J.N. Giammarino Construction Company (Hawleyton)
75.78 - J.N. Giammarino Construction Company (Hawleyton)
151.775 - J.N. Giammarino Construction Company (Hawleyton)
463.700 - La Barge Brothers Company (Vestal)
151.655 - Middle Atlantic Millwork Company (Kirkwood)
151.655 - Mike's Home Improvements (Binghamton)
464.225 - R.O. Allen & Son (Binghamton)
151.775 - Reynolds Construction Inc. (Port Crane)
463.700 - Story & Sons Construction
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35.84 - Academe Paving Inc. (Binghamton)
451.850 - Barrett Paving Materials
49.56 - Fahs Rolston Paving Corporation (Binghamton)
464.225 - Smetana Paving Inc.
152.960 - Suit Kote Corporation (Vestal)
158.385 - Vestal Asphalt Inc.
452.425 - Vestal Asphalt Inc.
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Real Estate/Property Management

464.925 - Indian Ridge Luxury Apartments (Johnson City)
462.750 - Lincoln Court Apartments (Binghamton)
464.950 - Metro Plaza Apartments (Binghamton)
461.550 - Woodburn Court One (Binghamton)
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461.175 - Holiday Inn Arena (Binghamton)
464.225 - Marriott Corporation
464.525 - Sheraton Binghamton
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Stores/Shopping Centers/Malls

464.225 - Green Acres Garden Center
42.96 - Hillside Garden Center (Binghamton)
463.700 - Howard's Florist & Garden Center (Binghamton)
467.775 - Kinney Drugs Inc.
469.075 - Kinney Drugs Inc.
462.9125 - Maine's Cash & Carry Warehouse
460.675 - Oakdale Mall Interstate Properties (Johnson City)
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463.350 - Dillenbeck Flowers (Binghamton)
464.225 - Green Acres Garden Center
42.96 - Hillside Garden Center (Binghamton)
463.700 - Howard's Florist & Garden Center (Binghamton)
43.44 - Progy Farms (Hawleyton)
464.225 - Riverside Gardens Inc. (Johnson City)
463.200 - Universal Fence & Supply Company (Johnson City)
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Supermarkets/Food Suppliers

461.2625 - Adam Wholesalers
461.4375 - Adam Wholesalers
461.6625 - Adam Wholesalers
463.2625 - Adam Wholesalers
463.6375 - Adam Wholesalers
464.3375 - Adam Wholesalers
457.5375 - Deposit Big M
461.0125 - Deposit Big M
461.3375 - Deposit Big M
464.7625 - Deposit Big M
461.5625 - Food King
464.675 - Frito Lay Inc.
461.0625 - Gregg's Big M (Whitney Point)
462.175 - Mincolla Distributing Company (Vestal)
462.175 - Pepsi Cola
463.350 - Pepsi Cola
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464.225 - Gourmet Express (Johnson City)
151.715 - McDonalds Corporation
151.775 - McDonalds Corporation
154.570 - McDonalds Corporation
154.600 - McDonalds Corporation
169.445 - McDonalds Corporation
170.245 - McDonalds Corporation
171.105 - McDonalds Corporation
171.905 - McDonalds Corporation
151.715 - Remillard Enterprises
151.775 - Remillard Enterprises
154.570 - Remillard Enterprises
154.600 - Remillard Enterprises
169.445 - Remillard Enterprises
170.245 - Remillard Enterprises
171.105 - Remillard Enterprises
171.905 - Remillard Enterprises
464.1125 - Remillard Enterprises
464.1375 - Remillard Enterprises
464.1625 - Remillard Enterprises
464.1875 - Remillard Enterprises
464.3125 - Remillard Enterprises
464.3375 - Remillard Enterprises
464.3875 - Remillard Enterprises
154.570 - Sto-Mac Inc.
154.600 - Sto-Mac Inc.
170.245 - Sto-Mac Inc.
171.105 - Sto-Mac Inc.
464.1125 - Sto-Mac Inc.
464.1375 - Sto-Mac Inc.
464.1625 - Sto-Mac Inc.
464.1875 - Sto-Mac Inc.
464.3125 - Sto-Mac Inc.
464.3375 - Sto-Mac Inc.
464.3875 - Sto-Mac Inc.
461.0125 - Taco Bell 3359
469.2625 - Taco Bell 3359
469.8625 - Taco Bell 3359
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Miscellaneous Businesses

464.875 - ABC Housing Development Fund
154.570 - Anitec Imaging (Binghamton)
157.740 - Anitec Imaging (Binghamton)
464.475 - Anitec Imaging (Binghamton)
464.300 - ARA Services Inc. (Vestal)
462.450 - Azon Corporation (Johnson City)
464.125 - Bert Adams Disposal Company (Chenango Bridge)
464.4125 - Binghamton Burial Vault
151.685 - Binghamton Savings Bank
35.86 - Blueox Corporation (Binghamton)
462.175 - Central Locating Service
463.350 - Central Locating Service
461.675 - Colwell Brothers
467.8375 - Ely Park Golf Club (Binghamton)
461.125 - Endwell Greens Golf Club
43.00 - Fancher Appliance Inc. (Vestal)
151.580 - Gary Dyer Excavating & Tank Service (Vestal)
151.895 - Gary's U-Pull-It Inc. (Binghamton)
154.570 - Gary's U-Pull-It Inc. (Binghamton)
464.100 - Handicapped Childrens Association
151.805 - Hobart Sales & Service (Vestal)
151.685 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
151.745 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
151.955 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
153.080 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
153.110 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
153.215 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
153.380 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
154.570 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
158.430 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
451.425 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
452.525 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
461.2625 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
461.275 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
461.3125 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
461.7875 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
461.975 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
462.1375 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
463.2375 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
463.600 - IBM Research & Development (Endicott)
461.025 - ISS International Service Systems
461.300 - ISS International Service Systems
461.775 - ISS International Service Systems
464.225 - ISS International Service Systems
461.275 - J & J Sheet Metal Works (Vestal)
461.300 - J & J Sheet Metal Works (Vestal)
47.48 - James Mirabito & Son Inc. (Vestal)
461.075 - Johnson Controls World Service (Vestal)
464.225 - Johnson Controls World Service (Vestal)
151.865 - Laidlaw Waste (Binghamton)
151.655 - Lake's Radio T V Service (Binghamton)
464.225 - Lane's Clear Water Products
153.230 - Lockheed Martin Corporation (Johnson City)
153.320 - Lockheed Martin Corporation (Johnson City)
157.740 - Lockheed Martin Corporation (Johnson City)
463.225 - Lockheed Martin Corporation (Johnson City)
464.425 - Lockheed Martin Corporation (Johnson City)
464.225 - Multiple Parking Services
151.805 - National Pipe & Plastics Inc.
154.600 - National Pipe & Plastics Inc.
463.250 - Southern Tier Cash Register (Endwell)
467.750 - Southern Tier Cash Register (Endwell)
467.875 - Southern Tier Cash Register (Endwell)
461.250 - Taylor Garbage Service (Binghamton)
461.300 - Triple Cities Metal Finishing
464.750 - Triple Cities Metal Finishing
151.775 - Triple Cities Vending Inc. (Binghamton)
461.875 - U.S. Radio & Signal
462.200 - Universal Instrument Corporation (Binghamton)
464.250 - Winsor Acres Inc. (Harpursville)
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Broome County Sheriff & Johnson City Police Codes

10-1 - Receivng poorly
10-2 - Receiving well
10-4 - Acknowledge
10-7 - Out of service
10-8 - In service
10-10 - Out of service - subject to call
10-13 - Advise weather & road conditions
10-14 - Escort/convey
10-15 - Arrived at jail barracks
10-16 - Pick up prisoner
10-17 - Pick up papers
10-18 - Park in front of HQ
10-19 - Return to HQ
10-20 - Your location?
10-21 - Call HQ by landline
10-22 - Take no action
10-23 - Stand by
10-25 - Do you have contact with....?
10-27 - Checking motorist information
10-28 - Registration information
10-29 - Check for criminal record
10-30 - Does not conform to rules
10-33 - Emergency traffic at this station
10-35 - Confidential information
10-36 - Correct time
10-37 - Location check
10-65 - Clear for message assignment
10-68 - Repeat dispatch
10-97 - Arrived at scene
10-98 - Completed assignment
10-99 - Unable to receive your signal
10-100 - All cars and stations copy
11-92 - Drunk driver

12-61 - Drunk person
12-62 - Drunk driver
12-63 - Hit & run accident
12-64 - Prowler
12-65 - Suspicious person
12-66 - Fight
12-67 - Family dispute
12-68 - Radio test
12-71 - Burglary
12-72 - Armed robbery
12-73 - Assault
12-74 - Stabbing
12-75 - Shooting
12-76 - Kidnapping
12-77 - Homicide
12-80 - Stolen motor vehicle
12-81 - Fire
12-82 - Motor vehicle accident
12-83 - Suicide
12-84 - Investigate/No information
12-85 - Boys annoying
12-86 - Traffic congestion
12-87 - Dangerous/poor road condition
12-88 - Call HQ
12-89 - Call chief's office
12-90 - Call your office
12-91 - Ambulance call from HQ
12-92 - Ambulance call - assist at scene
12-93 - Report to HQ
12-97 - Other law enforcement agency at scene
12-99 - Use lights & siren
12-100 - Observe radio silence
Signal 10 - Officer needs assistance
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Broome County Sheriff - Zones

Zone 1:                 Zone 2:               Zone 3:

Binghamton              Dickinson             Lisle
Conklin                 Chenango              Triangle
Kirkwood                Barker                Nanticoke
Vestal                  Fenton                Maine
Sanford                                       Union
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Broome County F.D. Vehicle Identifiers

21 - Binghamton            38 - Kirkwood            54 - West Windsor
                             38-1 - Engine            54-1 - Engine
22 - Deposit                 38-2 - Brush             54-2 - Tanker
  22-1 - Engine              38-3 - Tanker            54-3 - Brush
  22-3 - Tanker              38-4 - Squad             54-6 - Rescue
  22-5 - Brush               38-5 - Engine	
  22-6 - Engine              38-6 - Tanker          55 - Hillcrest
  22-7 - Engine                                       55-1 - Engine
  22-8 - Squad             39 - Chenango Bridge       55-2 - Mini-Pumper
                             39-1 - Engine            55-3 - Engine
23 - Lisle                   39-2 - Engine            55-4 - E.M.S.
                             39-3 - Tanker	
  23-1 - Engine              39-4 - Engine          56 - East Maine
  23-2 - Minmi-pumper        39-5 - Rescue            56-1 - Squad
  23-4 - Engine              39-6 - Engine            56-2 - Tanker
  23-5 - Tanker              39-7 - Tanker            56-3 - Brush
                                                      56-4 - Engine
24 - Whitney Point         41 - I.B.M. (Endicott)     56-5 - Engine
  24-1 - Engine		
  24-2 - Tanker            42 - S.U.N.Y.            57 - Choconut Center
  24-3 - Rescue                                       57-1 - Pumper-Tanker
  24-7 - Engine            43 - Harpursville          57-2 - Tanker
                             43-2 - Brush             57-3 - Brush
25 - Endicott                43-4 - Tanker            57-4 - Engine
                             43-5 - Engine	
26 - Johnson City            43-6 - Pumper-Tanker   58 - Town of Binghamton
  26-1 - Engine              43-7 - Mini-Pumper       58-1 - Tanker
  26-2 - Engine                                       58-2 - Brush
  26-3 - Engine           44 - Chenango Forks         58-3 - Engine
  26-4 - Engine             44-1 - Engine             58-4 - Engine
  26-5 - Tower Ladder       44-3 - Tanker             58-5 - Engine
  26-7 - Utility            44-5 - Brush              58-6 - Brush
                            44-6 - Rescue             58-7 - Tanker
27 - Binghamton Psych. Ctr. 44-7 - Tanker	
  27-1 - Engine                                     59 - Five Mile Point
                          45 - General Svc. Admin.    59-1 - Brush
28 - Windsor                45-1 - Engine             59-2 - Engine
  28-2 - Engine             45-2 - Engine             59-3 - Pumper-Tanker
  28-3 - Mini-Pumper                                  59-4 - Squad
  28-4 - Pumper-Tanker    46 - Conklin                59-5 - Engine
  28-5 - Squad              46-1 - Engine             59-6 - Engine
  28-6 - Tanker             46-2 - Engine             59-7 - Tanker
  28-7 - Engine             46-3 - Pumper-Tanker      59-8 - Ladder
                            46-4 - Engine-Rescue	
29 - West Corners           46-5 - Brush            61 - Triangle
  29-1 - Engine             46-7 - Pumper-Tanker      61-2 - Engine
  29-2 - Engine             46-8 - Squad              61-3 - Tanker
  29-3 - Engine             46-9 - E.M.S.             61-4 - Engine
  29-4 - Rescue                                       61-5 - Squad
  29-5 - Brush            47 - Glen Aubrey	
  29-6 - Truck              47-1 - Brush            62 - Edwin A. Link Field
  29-7 - Engine             47-2 - Engine             62-1 - C.F.R.
                            47-3 - Brush              62-3 - C.F.R.
31 - Endwell	            47-4 - Tanker	
  31-2 - Brush              47-5 - Pumper-Tanker    63 - Prospect Terrace
  31-3&4 - Engine                                     63-1 - Engine
  31-5 - Engine           48 - Nanticoke              63-2 - Engine
  31-6 - Truck              48-1 - Engine             63-4 - Squad
  31-7 - Squad              48-2 - Squad              63-5 - Brush
  31-8 - Engine             48-3 - Mini-Pumper	
  31-9 - Rescue             48-4 - Pumper-Tanker    64 - Castle Creek
                            48-5 - Engine             64-1 - Engine
32 - Vestal                 48-6 - Tanker             64-2 - Tanker
                                                      64-3 - Pumper-Tanker
33 - Maine                49 - Sanitaria Springs      64-5 - Brush
  33-1 - Pumper-Tanker      49-1 - Tanker             64-6 - Ladder
  33-2 - Engine             49-2 - Tanker	
  33-4 - Engine             49-3 - Brush            65 - Broome Dev. Center
  33-5 - Tanker             49-4 - Engine             65-1 - Engine
  33-6 - Rescue             49-6 - Rescue	
  33-6 - Brush                                      66 - Chenango
                          51 - West Colesville        66-1 - Rescue
34 - West Endicott          51-2 - Brush              66-2 - Squad
  34-1 - Engine             51-3 - Tanker             66-3 - Engine
  34-2 - Engine             51-4 - Engine             66-4 - Engine
  34-3 - Rescue             51-6 - Engine             66-5 - 65' Ladder Truck
  34-5 - Engine                                       66-7 - Pumper-Tanker
                          52 - Ouaquaga               66-8 - Crash/Fire
35 - Port Dickinson         52-1 - Squad	            66-9 - Utility
  35-2 - Engine             52-3 - Pumper-Tanker	
  35-2 - Rescue             52-4 - Engine	
  35-2 - Engine             52-5 - Tanker	
  35-2 - E.M.S.		
                          53 - Union Center	
36 - Killawog               53-1 - Engine	
  36-1 - Engine             53-2 - Pumper/Tanker	
  36-3 - Squad              53-4 - Utility	
  36-4 - Pumper-Tanker      53-5 - Squad	
                            53-6 - Brush	
37 - Port Crane             53-7 - Tanker	
  37-2 - Engine             53-8 - Engine	
  37-3 - Tanker             53-9 - Rescue	
  37-4 - Engine-Rescue		EMS-53
  37-5 - Tanker		
  37-6 - Brush		
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Broome County Ambulance/Emergency Service Identifiers


53 - Union Center
66 - ALS assists to other areas
102 - Whitney Point
102A - Whitney Point
103 - Deposit
104 - West Windsor
106 - Deposit
107 - Windsor
107A - Windsor
108 - Colesville
108A - Colesville
109 - Maine
109C - Maine AEMT-3
111 - Chenango
112 - Chenango
113 - Chenango (housed at Castle Creek)
114 -Vestal Volunteer Emergency Squad ambulance
116 -Vestal Volunteer Emergency Squad ambulance
117 -Vestal Volunteer Emergency Squad ambulance
118 -Vestal Volunteer Emergency Squad Medic response vehicle

Emergency Services

401 - Fire Coordinator
402-404 - Deputy Fire Coordinators
404A - HazMat Team Captain
405-408 - Fire Investigators
409 - Avdisory Board Chief
410 - E.M.S. Coordinator
410A-410E - Deputy E.M.S. Coordinators
411 - Communications Supervisor
Comm Van - Mobile Command Response Unit
HazMat 1 - Hazardous Materials Response Vehicle