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These pages represent the work of one man. These are the links I use every day in my search for truth.If you are finding my website helpful, won't you consider a donation of any size ? Thank You, Gr8fuldaniel
Bet You Didn't Know...
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"Big Crimes are Good"
G.W. Bush's Resume
Fast Food Nation Coca-Karma
Molly Ivins should get a Nobel Prize for Bushwhacked
McDonalds biggest crook isn't the Hamburglar
War IS  Terrorism
Support Our Troops.....
Bring Them Home
The bloated war machine has swallowed the funding for our schools and Healthcare
What a cruel thing is war, to separate and destroy families and friends and mar the purest joys and happiness God has granted us in this world; to fill our hearts with hatred instead of love for our neighbors and to devastate the fair face of this world
Robert E Lee, in a letter to his wife, 1864
Whats Really Goin' On
edited 4/7/04
   We the people are nearly obsolete. Globalization has set its agenda in motion. The human condition can only be reversed when we rise up in unity, our power is in numbers and the guidance of a loving God. So we have the edge. That doesn't mean it will be easy. Their power is in Money(Corporate), Fear (Military), Jobs/Products (Industrial), and of course a wave of patriotism from our One Party-Two Faction (Politics) system of Cheerleaders to bring us all into adoring  alignment with the Human Cash Crop Scenario. The New World Order(NWO) is putting the final touches on our fate. George Orwell was only off by 20 years, you see , we are being sold out by our shepherds. American jobs are sent overseas to be performed by slaves. Meanwhile here at home our treasury has been plundered. Hundreds of tons of gold reserves have mysteriously disappeared . This Bush administration has squandered a surplus and thrown our childrens children hopelessly into debt. Its our fault you know... we allowed the coup de etat' of 2000. This horrid event should never have happened in a bona-fide Democracy. The election came to this, Five Right Wing criminals  decided who our president would be. Thats right, 5 supreme court justices convened that winter day. The Presidential Selection Committee had crescendoed in the lap of Clarence(lap dog)Thomas, Supreme Court Justice.This motley crew had a cock in the fight.
"None Dare Call It Treason" by Vincent Bugliosi
The current election system is a stacked deck and doesn't need to be reshuffled or cut. It needs to be taken (allow me to mix my metaphors at random) out back and shot until it is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. Then we can initiate an honest election system like this  Australian Electoral System(imagine that, honesty built-in to a political system)
How absurd it is to bring computer voting into the arena, fresh on the heels of the travesty of election 2000. In an age where children are hacking into to computers of the Dept. of Defense and the WWW is dominated by the Blaster Worm du Jour. Be aware, Diebold pays for contracts just like Haliburton does.
The system we have now wont be helped with another patch. We are forced to choose the least of two evils, both of which are  dialing for the same dollars.We possitively MUST  divorce the political system from greed. The corruption reeks unto heaven. The single party two-faction system that gave us our current welcome mat to fraud, is ready to pounce again. Do not be decieved. Empire building is a bloody enterprise and Americas founding fathers are turning in their graves.
But,  What is our part in all this?Resting comfortably in the notion "We are on the conquering side" This will be the undoing of us all. It further encourages a mob scene mentality like pirhana. War should not be a hasty business venture with a blank check and unchecked borders. Nor can a war be declared on an idea. A sovereign nation like America could be declared a terrorist state for its unbridled blood-letting. Let us not forget we have never been attacked by Afghanistan or Iraq, yet we have killed their children and wives and fathers and uncles and grammies and baby sisters, we have liberated them from their fingers and there faces and their limbs. We have killed over 500,000 Iraqi children with sanctions alone.Thats before the Bombs and Bulletts and depleted uranium. We disarmed them and then bombed the living fuck out of them. Remember Wounded Knee......Oh thats right we dont teach our children what really happened in American History....... We would have to start with Chris Columbus.....  
Howard Zinn "Columbus and Western Civilization" ...To be continued...Gr8fuldaniel
It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder"
  Albert Einstein
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