Isaac Davis
Rockcastle County, Kentucky
Kentucky Land Grant
Book 17, pg. 542

William Owsley ESQ.
To all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting:

KNOW YE, That by virtue and in consideration of a warrant from the Rockcastle
County Court, there is granted by the said Commonwealth, unto Isaac Davis

a certain tract or parcel of Land, containing one hundred         Acres, by
survey, bearing date the fourteenth      day of October      one thousand eight hundred
and forty five            lying and being in the County of Rockcastle
in the head waters pf Clear Creek adjoining a 200 survey made in said Davis name also a 50 acre survey in his name and bounded as followeth to wit Beginning at a double poplar corner to said Davis 50 acres thence S23 East 156 poles to two white oaks black gum dogwood and beech on the west side of the creek thence S53 West 80 poles to three white oaks between two branches thence S25 West 40 poles to two white oaks and maple on the side of a hill thence S71 West 35 poles to a maple and two chesnut oaks corner to said Davis 200 acres thence with his line North 200 poles to a poplar another of his corners also corner to his 50 acres thence with a line of his 50 acres N53 East 60 poles to the Beginning

With its appurtienances: To have and to hold the said tract or parcel of Land, with its appurtenances, to the said
Isaac Davis

and his heirs forever.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said William Owsley Esq.
Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, hath hereunto set his hand, and caused the seal
of the Commonwealth to be affixed, at Frankfort, on the Fourteenth day of
July in the year of our Lord, on thousand eight hundred
and forty six and of the Commonweath, the 55th

By the Govenor. William Owsley
Ben Hardin Secretary of State

Transcribed 3-18-99 by Ran Raider