How To Make Friends With Cancer....

You make friends with cancer by heeding its call to consciousness.
By letting it change your life.
You slow down.
You pay attention.
You stop doing things you don't really want or need to do.
You prioritize.
You pace yourself.
You respect your body.
You spend time with those whose presence is healing.
You notice the small miracles that occur daily--
the chorus of bird songs in the morning air, the intoxicating fragrance of one pink rose, the melody of raindrops, the heart-melting sweetness of your children's smiles,
the eternality of an ocean wave, the exquisite beauty of a setting sun,
the presence of your beloved--which, before cancer,
you may have overlooked or been too "busy" to enjoy or appreciate.
You let love in.
You open your heart.
You tell the truth.
You ask for help.
You accept the profound generosity of friends.
You let whatever you may have given return itself to you.
You allow it to remind you of what is actually important in life and what is less so,
by forging a relationship with it that fosters new insight,
by seeing the uninvited guest as an opportunity for learning and growth.
You accept the myriad gifts and joys that life offers.
You don't waste time complaining about things you cannot change or that you wish were different.
You dance when you can. You weep when you must.
You notice what you have instead of what you don't have.
You practice thankfulness, and forgiveness.
You don't hide from it or hate it,
but acknowledge it,
accept what it has to teach you, and continue on your Journey,
one step at a time.