Smithville Middle School Class of 2014
We hope this website will assist both students and parents in being better
informed of daily assignments, upcoming events, reminders and general
information.  Assignments will be posted daily.  Weekly reminders will be
posted the first day of each week.  Please check you student's assignment
book daily for any notes from teachers.

We hope you will feel free to contact any of your child's teachers with
comments and concerns.  This year you can contact us either through email or
voicemail.  Email is the easiest for us, as our computers are on all day. 
However, you may leave a message at anytime of the day on our personal
voicemail.  Simply call the regular school number, 532-1122, follow the
prompts and dial in the appropriate teacher's voicemail number.  Voicemail is usually checked twice daily.  Please remember that any message left after
2:45 may not be returned until the following day.

Other Useful Links:
Today's Assignments
Creator of the Website
Name: Mrs. Dana Owens, teacher