Letter from Maurice Bloch, London School of Economics

Dear Colleagues,

I have just heard about your decision to terminate the contract of Professor David Graeber. I hear this news with amazement and disbelief.

I know Professor Graeber from several meetings at conferences but in no way am I a close personal friend of his. I am, however, a great admirer of his work.

His contribution to the history and anthropology of Madagascar is of the very best and I say this, bearing in mind that he has been probably the severest critic of my own work.

His writings on anthropological theory are outstanding. I consider him the best anthropological theorist of his generation from anywhere in the world. I have never made such a strong claim for anybody in any reference I have written.

I know nothing about the circumstances which have led you to your decision but I cannot believe that a university such as yours cannot cope with erratic behaviour or that it can afford to lose so extraordinarily talented a colleague,

Yours Sincerely,

Maurice Bloch, B.A. (London) Ph.D. (Cantab) F.B.A.

Professor of Anthropology at the University of London. London School of Economics.

European Professor Elect at the College de France.

Last modified: Tue May 24 20:33:51 Eastern Standard Time 2005