Russian Bronze Icon.

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Br#0207  Lovely Russian Icon of the Saint Nicholas Miracleworker.
The prelate Nikolai, Archbishop of Mira in Lycia, is one if the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church, especially in Russia. He lived in the fist half of the 4th century and was a bishop in the city of - Mira in the Lycia region in Asia Minor. At Nikolai's election as a bishop, Christ miraculously delivered the gospels to the prelate Nikolai, and the Mother of God delivered an omophor. The prelate Nikolai became renowned for his many Christian deeds. At the time if presecution of the Christians, he was a teacher of faith, one of the fathers of the church, and he spoke at the First Ecumenical Council against the her- esy of Ary. Saint Nikolai is revered as protector if seafarers and travelers, as a helper of the poor and of the condemned innocent. There are celebrations in his honor twice a year: December 6 - the day ofhis death (ca. 345 - 351) and May 9 - the day his relics were transferred from Mira to the city of Bari in Italy (1087).
Blue and white enamel. Good condition. Size : 2"1/4 by 2".



Br#0208 Russian Bronze Icon of the Tichvine Mother of God.
This is one of the most highly venerated Icons in Russia. According to Church tradition, it was brought from Byzantium where it had been kept at one of the Churches in Constantinople, from which it desappeared by numerous occasions, leaving the local inhabitants to wallow in sin, and then reappeared again. In the 14th century, following its still another disappearance, it unexpectedly emerged in Rus where it remained forever. Numerous copies of the Icon were made and later on many famous by numerous miracles. Particularly famous among them is a copy known as the Tikhvin Opolchennaya (of the Volunteer Corps) Icon of the Mother of God, which participated in the Patriotic War of 1812 and in the Crimean War of 1855-1856. The fame of this Icon was so great that Icons of other types were sometimes called by its name. Thus, at the womens Athanasios convent in the town of Mologa (Yaroslavl Gubernia) an Icon of the Mother of God brought to Convent cloister six years before the appearance of the miracle-working Tikhvin Icon became famous. Although it has somewhat different in composition, it was also called the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. Feast day June, 26".
Size: 2 1/4" by 2". Very good condition. XVIII century.

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Br03-56 Russian Bronze Icon Mother of God.
Solid bronze.  Size 2" by 2"1/4.  XIXth century. 

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Br03-57 Russian Bronze Icon ST.NICHOLAS XIX c.
The prelate Nikolai, Archbishop of Mira in Lycia, is one if the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church, especially in Russia. He lived in the first half of the 4th century and was a bishop in the city of - Mira in the Lycia region in Asia Minor. At Nikolai's election as a bishop, Christ miraculously delivered the gospels to the prelate Nikolai, and the Mother of God delivered an omophor. The prelate Nikolai became renowned for his many Christian deeds. At the time if presecution of the Christians, he was a teacher of faith, one of the fathers of the church, and he spoke at the First Ecumenical Council against the her- esy of Ary. Saint Nikolai is revered as protector if seafarers and travelers, as a helper of the poor and of the condemned innocent. There are celebrations in his honor twice a year: December 6 - the day ofhis death (ca. 345 - 351) and May 9 - the day his relics were transferred from Mira to the city of Bari in Italy (1087).
Solid bronze. Blue and white enameles. Size 2"1/4 by 2".  XIXth century. 

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Br03-58 Russian Bronze Icon Skladen Deisus row.
The composition, in centre of which is expressed Vsederzhitel (The Christ), and on sides — turned to him Virgin Mary and Ioann Predtecia. The figures are located in strictly determined order, on rank. The Idea of the composition is the intercession of Saints for people before Christ. Deisus row (rank) is a main part of every Russian Churches IKONOSTAS . The Deisus is placed above the Altar doors and across the main doors to the church building .
Solid bronze. Blue enameles. Size 14"1/4 by 5"1/4.  End of the XVIII -Begining XIXth century. 

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Br03-59 Russian Bronze Icon Prophet Elijah Fiery Chariot XIXc.
Russian Icon Prophet Elijah and Fiery Chariot. According to tradition, St Elijah. an Old Testament prophet, lived in the 9th century B.C. The icon illustrates the last years of his life. The prophet is shown in the bottom left part of the icon. He is Sleeping in the wilderness where he has fled from the threats of the wicked Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab. Bending Over him is an angel sent by God, calling on him to set out on his journey. On the right is the prophet Elisha, St Elijah's disciple and follower, the witness of his teacher's miraculous ascension into heaven. In the centre of the composition is a round-shaped cloud of fire, inside which stands St Elijah in a fiery chariot drawn by horses of fire.
Solid bronze.  Size 5"1/2 by 4"1/2.  Begining XIXth century. 

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