The Huntington's Scene In  New Zealand

Site Maintained by

Graham Taylor

About The Associations  :-          Midland

Waikato Multiple Sclerosis Society Inc

Box 146  Hamilton                                                                     
20 Palmerston Street
(07) 834-4740                                                                      

Working in the community for the benefit of people with Multiple Sclerosis and other allied neurological disorders including Huntington's Disease.

HD Support Co-ordinator   Diana Bird
(DDI) (07) 834-4742 (0274)287-417
MS Waikato Trust
PO Box 14

The Society is contracted to Midland Health to provide support to Huntington's families:

-Home visits if requested
- set up and facilitate Support Group Meetings
- a local Society Newsletter to those on mailing list
- In service in nursing homes
- liaison betweeen other health professionals on behalf of HD clients occupational therapists
Northern Region Genetic Services

The Society has 30 HD clients, but when a seminar on 'HD & Dementia" was organised, 340 attended.


Our District & Membership

Stretches from Taumaranui in the south, north through the Waikato to the Bombay Hills, east to include Thames and the Coromandel Peninsula and south to Tokoroa. Membership is open to all.

About us

Being affiliated to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society we have access to a large and up to date data base of information about Multiple Sclerosis and allied neurological disorders. National office has access to information on the latest developments and treatments world wide.

Client Base

Though People with Multiple Sclerosis [MS] account for 80% of our 270clients, the balance have allied neurological conditions:

Anklosing Spondylitis, Arachnoiditis Myodil, Cerebal Paalsy, Frierreichs Ataxia, Huntington's Disease, Motor Neurone Disease [MND], Muscular Dystrophy [MD], Myalgic Encephalomyetlitis [ME], Parkinson's Disease and Vasculitis. Half of these clients are in Hamilton City and the remainder scattered through ou district.

Support Services

We provide a wide range of efficient services to our many clients who select those services they require. We endeavour to meet their needs in the shortest possible time

Social Worker

The Social Worker has empathy with the client, is conversant with policies and has the knowledge to access resources that best suit the needs of the current situation through assessment of needs facilitation of entitlements, advocacy, counselling and referals. As well, the Social Worker provides information and education and the promotion of the Society to clients and families, carers, the medical profession, funding providers and the community. Due to the on-going service provided, the Social Worker is well placed to pick upthe changing needs of the client through the course of the MS.


Is provided on behalf of clients, individually and collectively, when appropriate or necessary.


The Social Worker maintains an on-going liaison with Community Health Services, home care providers, counselling agencies, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctors, neurologists and Income Support.

Support Groups

Additional support for clients is achieved through Support Groups, which are currently established in Hamilton, Te Awamutu, Thamesand Tokoroa.

Seminars & Social Activities

The work of Support Groups is further enhanced by Seminars and other social activities that are arranged for members of the Society.

Publicity, Education & Information

Much from our national office and includes 10 handbooks covering different aspects of MS.


Regular issues of our Newsletter is an important way of conveying information to our clients and members who also receive our National Newsletter.


Of clients is paramount and small grants given in the case of special need or emergency.


In Hamilton assistance with transport is available, through subsidized fares under the Total Mobility taxi scheme.


A part-time physiotherapist provides group hydrotherapy and group physiotherapy to clients in the Hamilton area.

Holiday Units

The Society has two holiday units at Raglan . These are available to members and others with disabilities and their families at modest rental


We support the National Multiple Sclerosis Society of New Zealand in research projects

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