The Grammar Doctor

Fused Sentence Quiz

Identify the following as fused (F) or correct (C)

____ 1. Freddie was always volunteering to do extra work, he hoped to become a supervisor someday.
____ 2. One day Freddie offered to pick up the boss's dry cleaning, the next day he volunteered to spend his weekend preparing the monthly status report.
____ 3. The boss never worried about those jobs that everyone hated because Freddie would always do them.
____ 4. The other employees didn't like Freddie they thought he was too cozy with the boss.
____ 5. Freddie always inquired about the boss's hobbies and his family, this disgusted his co-workers.
____ 6. The new supervisory positon went to Francine Frankfurt because she is the one who did all the work while Freddie played up to the boss.
____ 7. Things didn't change much in the office now Freddie played up to Francine as well as to the boss.
____ 8. Besides being a sycophant, Freddie was an incompetent worker.
____ 9. He was so intent on making a good impressiuon that he made mistakes in his work.
____ 10. His boss never let Freddie take work home, he was afraid the man would mess it up.
____ 11. While Freddie was making a big show about volunteering for extra work, Francine was grumbling, she always had to fix up Freddie's mistakes.
____ 12. After Francine became Freddie's supervisor, she made sure he stuck to his assigned duties.

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