Hi, My name is Grammy. I help run a Club on Yahoo for Children with Mental Disorders. We also help to support the Parents of the Children. We try to supply them with positive suggestions and links on whatever is needed to help them.

Our goal is to help them live a better quality of live considering the odds against them. The group is called Bipolar Angels. You will find the link at the top of this page.

The links are located on the left side of this page and are full of a variety of information from some of the top Mental Health information sites regarding Mental Health.

I hope the recources on my page will help you to learn more about this invisible illness that is so comonly misunderstood. The more educated you become the better you are able to help yourself or a family member.

I have spent four years trying to find the top sites that I feel will be the most informative and the least complicated to understand. I hope you enjoy reading them and much as I have enjoyed searching for them.

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