Grampa Jack's Top 100 Requested Harmonica Songs
I'd Rather Have Jesus

 4    5  5    5   5  6   
I'd rath-er have Je-sus

  4   7  -6  -6   6
than sil-ver or gold,

 4    5  5  5   6   
I'd rath-er be His

  6    6    6  -5  5  -4
than have rich-es un-told;

 4    5  5    5   5  6   
I'd rath-er have Je-sus

  4    7  -6 -6   6
than hous-es or lands,

 4    5  5   5  6  
I'd rath-er be led

 4 -4    5     -4     4
by His nail-pierced hand.


  6   7 -7  7   -8  
Than to be the king

-6 -7  7  -6   6
of a vast do-main

 6  7  -7   7  -8     -7    7
Or be held in sin's dread sway;

 4   5   5    5   5  6   
I'd rath-er have Je-sus

  4   7-6   6
than an-y thing

 4 5    6    5  -4   4  4
Th-is world af-ords to-day.

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