
Granaboard Rules & Regulations

Table of contents

1. Disclaimer
2. General rules
3. Submission rules
4. Granaboard Message Board rules
5. Granaboard Code of Honor

Revision: 17   Last updated: 2005/04/17

1. Disclaimer

Apply to: All of Granaboard.
1.1. These rules are the Terms of Service of Granaboard. All Granaboard users must agree with them or cease to use the services immediately.
1.2. All information - text, graphics, sound, etc. (normally regarded as "contents"), that is not part of the core Granaboard system (website and message board), publically posted in the site or the board, or sent with the board private messaging service, is the sole responsibility of the poster. This means that the user -never Granaboard or its staff- is entirely responsible for his/her content. This includes but is not limited to: fanfics, fanart, theories, goodies, links, board posts, polls, profile data in the board and the site, and Internet links from the previous contents. Granaboard cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity, quality, or safety of such contents. You may be exposed to offensive, objectionable, obscene, or sexually explicit contents. Under no circumstances will Granaboard or its staff be liable in any way for any content, including but not limiting to errors, omissions, data loss, data corruption, or inappropiate materials. Granaboard urges its users to keep the contents under acceptable levels and to follow the rules defined in this document. This is enforced by the Granaboard staff, but this service is subject to the time availability, subjective judgement, and possible human mistakes of this staff. The failure of Granaboard to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the rules shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
1.3. Granaboard or its staff is in no way related or associated with Ubi Soft, Game Arts, Square-Enix, or any other company.
1.4. Granaboard is Copyright © Miguel Pérez (Wiseman) 2001-2005. All contents are copyrighted by their respective posters. Grandia II, its characters, and every other product of any kind mentioned anywhere in Granaboard are copyrighted by their respective owners.
1.5. The Granaboard has no privacy policy, but you are not required to use any personal information for any of its services. The Granaboard authority will not disclose any information sent by email, PM, or IM (see rule 2.4) to other members (although this is not legally guaranteed).
1.6. The Granaboard authority reserves the right to modify these rules anytime.
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2. General rules

Apply to: All of Granaboard.
2.1. Contents are be given a moral rating as follows:
No ratingSuitable for all audiences
NR-13Suitable for ages 13 and over
NR-18Adult contents. You must be at least 18 years old or the legal age in your country to view such contents.
Shoujo-ai*NR-13 + love and/or erotic relationship between two females (non-sexual)
Shounen-ai*NR-13 + love and/or erotic relationship between two males (non-sexual)
YaoiNR-18 + sexual relationship between two males
YuriNR-18 + sexual relationship between two females
* Note: Contents published before 2004\10\26 might not present the labels as described. If this is important to you, consider these NR-18.
2.2. Members must sign up in to be able to post in the message board.
2.3. Members repeatedly breaking the rules, in a number determined by the severity of the rules being broken, will be officially warned by the Granaboard authorities. If this warning is ignored, the authorities will ban the offending member from the Granaboard services forever. Very severe violations may lead to an instant banning. After months of regular activity without severe violations, warnings might be withdrawn, but this is left to the moderators' judgement.
2.4. Users may contact the Granaboard authorities to report violations or ask questions related to the rules and Granaboard via:
Emailgranaboard -@at@- gmail com
BoardPrivate message
MSNwiseman1024 -@at@- hotmail com
2.5. Using only one account per user is allowed. Extra accounts in use will be banned.
2.6. Impersonation (pretending to be another member) is a severe violation.
2.7. No illegal contents of any kind are allowed. This includes warez and child pornography begging, offering, helping, suggesting, encouraging, or supporting. This is a very severe violation. Depictions of child pornography ("loli" and "shota") are not allowed, regardless of if they are legal in a specific country or not.
2.8. Discrimination of any kind (including but not limiting to sexism and racism) towards any member is not allowed.
2.9. Flaming, trolling, or disruptively posting against any member is not allowed.
2.10. Animal cruelty, bizarre, or heavily disgusting contents are not allowed.
2.11. The support and/or encouragement of any kind of activities detrimental to life like suicide, anorexia, self-abuse, self-flagellation, and drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, is not allowed.
2.12. The following is moderable:
Support of Terrorist groups
Al Qaeda, Hamas, Islamic Yihad, other islamist groups, ETA, Batasuna, PCTV, IRA, FARC, other terrorist groups
Terrorist supporting groups
PNV, ERC, Madres de Plaza de Mayo, others
Illegitimate independentist groups of any country
Severity Very severe Severe Studied on a case-by-case basis and may be moderable with different severity
Similar claims to the above will be studied on a case-by-case basis and may be moderable.
2.13. The support and/or encouragement of dangerous religious activities and/or sects (like the Jeohvah Witnesses), and those detrimental to life, is not allowed.
2.14. No blatant advertisement is allowed, commercial or not. This is applied mainly to new members, and loosely to veteran members.
2.15. The languages allowed in Granaboard are English and Spanish. Other languages are not as there is no way for the Granaboard authority to judge whether something said constitutes a violation or not. Some tolerance might be granted, but members should not count on it, much less post on a regular basis on different languages.
2.16. The Internet resources linked or quoted from within contents are normally considered part of them and will be judged under these rules. The poster is responsible for violations in these linked resources.
2.17. The Granaboard authority reserves the right to delete anything if considered detrimental to the Granaboard and its normal activity.
2.18. The Granaboard authority may decide to delete messages containing sensible personal information of a member other than the poster, upon this member's request.
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3. Submission rules

Apply to: Grandia II Fanfic Archive, Grandia II Fanart Archive, Grandia II Theory Archive, Grandia II Goodies & Links, Members' Articles (i.e. everything but the Granaboard Message Board).
3.1. Anybody may submit contents to Grandia II sections.
3.2. Contents submitted to the site must be genuine, fan-made, and not stolen.
3.3. Contents submitted to the Grandia II sections must be related to Grandia II by having at least one main character of the item being at least one secondary character of the game. The rest of them may be related to anything else, or entirely fictional.
3.4. Textual contents (fanfics, theories, text-based goodies) must be submitted in plain text (Windows-1252 or UTF-8) with line breaks or HTML (any encoding) formats. If sent in any other format, the Granaboard staff will convert it to the best suited valid format, or ask the author for a conversion should it not be possible for the staff.
3.5. The following things are not allowed in textual contents: unnecessary abuse of colors/effects, JavaScript, VBScript, or any other scripting, or embedded objects.
3.6. Graphic contents (fanart, graphic-based goodies) must be submitted in JPEG (lossy), PNG (lossless), or GIF (see rule 3.7) formats only. Please try to make them as small as possible (without degrading quality). If sent in any other format, the Granaboard staff will convert it to the best suited valid format (with the minimal possible quality loss, if any), or ask the author for a conversion should it not be possible for the staff. Please do not use uncompressed (BMP) files.
3.7. Animated GIFs are an acceptable form of fanart, but no other kind of video or animation (including but not limiting to Flash, AVI, and MPEG) is.
3.8. Granaboard reserves the right to recompress or reencode any submitted contents to save space and increase transfer speeds, providing no quality is loss in the translation.
3.9. Contents may be updated anytime (by submitting the new version and specifying what to update).
3.10. Fanfics may be split in chapters. Theories must be kept in only one file (but they may be updated anytime; see rule 3.9).
3.11. Members may send fanart for existing fanfics. Non-members may send fanart for existing fanfics that are at least 100 KB in size (plain text).
3.12. Links can be accompanied with a non-animated image no larger than 24 KB. The picture should be no more than 400 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall, and width × height should be no more than 40000. (Examples of valid sizes are 400x100, 300x133 and 200x200. Keep in mind that smaller files load first and are shown first in visitors' computers.)
3.13. Contents are subject to Granaboard's space and time availability. Granaboard does not guarantee that all submitted contents will be posted, especially for large files, animated GIFs, and goodies.
3.14. No new contents are being accepted for the Members' Articles section, which will be covered by the upcoming community website Proto Omega.
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4. Granaboard Message Board rules

Apply to: Granaboard Message Board.
4.1. The Granaboard Message Board is currently hosted by HostBoard. Users have the responsibility to follow the rules of the host, besides the Granaboard Rules & Regulations.
4.2. Moderators (when acting as such) may edit users' messages to:
A) Delete a post or thread that violates the rules, optionally leaving a message telling which rule(s) have been broken. A copy of the moderated message is kept at the poster's disposal for a week.
B) Add, change, or correct a label in a thread to indicate which general area of interest it discusses (see rule 5.2). Usable labels will be defined in a closed sticky thread by moderators and are subject to change. Note that thread titles might need to have some characters in the end removed for the label to fit (keeping [!OT] marks if any; see rule 4.6). (Under no circumstances will moderators change anything else of thread titles.)
C) Delete the last copy of a post accidentally posted twice in a row.
D) Fix a message which broke rules 4.3 or 4.4, even though this is not guaranteed and case A will be taken by default.
E) Fix a message which breaks the page width.
Under no circumstances will moderators replace or remove parts of users' original text. Users reediting a deleted message (i.e. case A) or undoing a case B, C, D, or E action, risk getting banned.
4.3. Adult contents (NR-18) must be properly marked with the corresponding label (see rule 2.1) in one of these two ways:
Traditional wayTo mark the whole thread
*NR-18 {optional: Yaoi/Yuri} CONTENTS*


{NR-18 contents go here}


Put *NR-18 {optional: Yaoi/Yuri}* in the thread title
Note: no NR-18 contents in the thread title are allowed
Unproper marking is subject to moderation. In case of doubt, mark it.
4.4. Spoilers for any product (i.e. something that gives away details of the story anyhow) must must be properly marked, indicating which media product (game, anime, manga, movie, book, etc.) is involved in one of these two ways:
Traditional wayTo mark the whole thread
*{Product name} {optional: MINOR/MAJOR} SPOILERS*


{Spoiling contents go here}


Put *{Product name} MINOR/MAJOR SPOILERS* in the thread title
Note: no spoilers in the thread title are allowed
Unproper marking is subject to moderation. In case of doubt, mark spoilers. Repeated violations of this rule will lead to a ban, so do not push your luck expecting moderators to fix spoilers. Unmarked spoilers is one of the fastest ways users can be banned from Granaboard.
4.5. No spam is allowed. Common (but not all) ways to spam the board are posting several times in a row to the same thread without the intention of bumping it, posting the same message to several threads, posting the same message over and over, posting to increase your post count, posting countdowns, program-generated useless or repetitive posts, and chain letters.
4.6. Threads whose title ends in [!OT] are to be kept on topic (even against the original creator's posts). Too much offtopic posting in [!OT] marked threads will be moderated as deemed by moderators.
4.7. No HTML tags are allowed. No BB tag abuse is allowed, especially if it breaks the page layout.
4.8. The maximum nickname length is 16 characters. Users with user names larger than this, or user names that somehow break page layouts, may be asked to change them.
4.9. Avatars must be 96x96 pixels in size and no larger than 24 KB. Users with avatars larger than this may be asked to change them.
4.10. Signatures must be no longer than 250 net characters and have no more than two line breaks (Enters). Users with signatures larger than this may be asked to change them. The usage of the SIZE tag to make signatures look smaller is welcome. (Changing the size does not make them smaller, but look smaller.)
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5. Granaboard Code of Honor

Applies to: Granaboard Message Board.

Note: These are not rules, but recommendations, optional to follow by the Granaboard members.
5.1. Follow this Code of Honor.
5.2. Label your threads according to the available labels (defined in a closed sticky thread everybody should read). Labeling should be done as follows (notice capitalization and space):
Label: Thread title
Labeling will save moderators' time (see rule 4.2 part B).
5.3. The QUOTE tag makes pages longer and slower loading, and tend to quote more than necessary. Instead of quoting, use IRT {person} (In Reply To) when possible. If you want to specify a subject instead of a person (or a subject after IRT {person}), use WRT {subject} (With Regards To). If you are replying to a long post, you may feel copying the bits of text you are replying necessary. In this case, copying and pasting that text in italics (between the [i] and [/i] tags) is preferred over quoting. Remember if you copy spoilers you have to copy the mark to not break rule 4.4.
5.4. Avoid using ALL CAPS, l33t, and intentional typos and grammar errors like "teh", unless you want to make a specific joke or want something to sound stupid, because that is how they sound.
5.5. You write posts for others to read. Show them some respect and care for what you post: use punctuation and proper spelling, and revise what you're posting before hitting the submit button. Posts lacking punctuation, capitalization, etc. are frowned at and hurt your image.
5.6. Graphic smileys (graemlins) are may disrupt the look of threads, and look stupid to most members, especially when abused (several smileys in the same post, smileys in every line, etc.). It's better to use vertical text smileys (by clicking on the "Disable smileys" checkbox before posting) and horizontal text smileys (like "^_^") if necessary, and it's recommended to not overuse smileys - use them with a purpose.
5.7. If you have something to add to your last post, edit it instead of posting again, unless you need to bump it or others to notice it has changed. In that case, if you are feeling really honorable, copy your previous post to your new post, and delete your previous post after posting the new one, to minimize the thread size.
5.8. If you notice you have accidentally posted the same message twice, or you notice you have broken a rule, do moderators a favor and fix it yourself. This not only helps Granaboard, but it does not count as a rule violation if a moderator does not see it, and in the case of violations, you can edit your messages to remove the conflict without deleting the rest of them (something moderators cannot do). You do not need to do this, but it gives a bad impression that you know something is going to get moderated and you still keep it, and impressions are useful for judgement by moderators.
5.9. Do not change your nickname (unless required by rule 4.8). This only confuses members and serves no purpose.
5.10. Be nice to all.
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