Interview With Beau
1.Full name: Leroy Beau Allen Haag
2.Height: 5'9"
3.Weight: 163
4.Date of Birth: February 21st 1977
5.Birthplace: Oil City PA
6.Where do you live now: Strattanville PA
7.Parents: I have a pair or two
8. Sibling(s): 3...Tina 29,Stacy 28,Brandi 17
9.What do you look like: Go to my picture page and see for yourself
10.Favorite animal(s): Wolf,Eagle,Dragon
11.Favorite Tv show(s): South Park,WWF,Cops
12.Favorite Actor/Actress: Mel Gibson/Sandra Bullock
13.One word to describe yourself:Big-hearted
14.School: Been there done that
15.Future job: Running my own business from home
16.Future school: undecided
17.Boyfriend/Girlfriend: open to suggestions
18.Best buds: Devin Pickford,my mom,and my sisters
19.Favorite candy: not sure, havent had one in a while
20.Hobbies: Drawing,playing guitar,writing poetry
21.Things you collect: Movies,pewter statues,Wizards and Dragons
22.Do you have a personal phone line: yes ask for the number
23.How many email addresses do you have: 11
24: How many tattoos do you have?Where and what: 11....ask me in person
25.Favorite parts of the opposite sex: Eyes,Ears
26.Do you get your news from TV or Newspapers: What is news?
27.Favorite thing on/in you: Clothes(on) Blood(in)
28.Piercings and where: 4 in my left ear (3 at the bottom and 1 at the top)
29.What do you sleep in: Depends on if I am alone or not
30.Best advice: Take life one day at a time
31.Leno or Letterman: Dont watch either
32.Words or phrases you overuse: Yeah,I Know,right....Quit It
33.Non sport activity you enjoy: Watching rainstorms
34.Dream car: 69 Chevelle SS
35.What type of music do you listen to: Whatever is playing
36.Scariest thing you have done: Dont know...get back to me on that
37.Favorite winter activity: Snowball fights in shorts and no shoes
38.Whats your bed time: Around 7/8 am
39.Where do you shop: In a store...where do YOU shop?
40.Coke or Pepsi: Mountain Dew
41.Favorite thing to wear: Jeans and a t-shirt
42.Favorite school subject(s): Math,Lunch,Recess
43.Favorite color(s): Purple,Blue
44.Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Mountain Dew
45.Favorite song(s): Dont Take The Girl (Tim McGraw)
46.Where do you work:At home and at Wal-Mart
47.Favorite TV Comercial: None
48.Do you smoke..what kind:Yes...Jack Lifhts in a box
49.Favorite vacation spot:Cairnes Australia
50.Do you have good grammer: Sometimes
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