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Free Adlib Games
Their just like Madlib
This is a fun word, puzzle game that you make up, using your own chosen words. It's a game that will make you laugh and giggle, because of how silly it is. This is a java game so their is nothing to download. Plus their are 11 different games to choose from. So have lots of fun!
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Noun A person, place, or thing ie: Car, Chicago, George Washington
Plural Noun Multiple persons, places or things
ie: Cars, Islands, Munks
Verb An action ie: run, play, kiss
Passed Tense Verb An action that has already happened ie: jumped, flew, climbed
Verb + "ing" An action ending in the letters "ing"
ie: jumping, swimming, buying
Verb + "s" An action ending in the letter "s"
ie: jumps, hits, kicks
Adjective A describing word
ie: blue, shiny, slippery
Adverb A placement in relation to something else
ie: above, below, besides
Number a number, usually works best when typed out ie: one, three, forty-five
Boy's Name A name of a male ie: Mike, Rick, Joe
Girl's Name A name of a female ie: Amy, Lisa, Sarah
Last Name Any Last Name ie: Jones, Smith, Williams
Place Any place that one would go
ie: town, doctors office, heaven
Nonsense Word Any word that you make up, and sounds funny
ie: oggitty boggitty, yabba dabba doo, wee wee wee