Matt is one of my good friends, one of my closest friends, he is a great listener, all around great guy. He is always dawning a hat, covered in many things, from the Tick action figure, to a koosh ball on top, he puts strange things on it. But it is a outward exspession of his inner soul. He is a intelligent person, With the occassional, comical, reference to being like pinky and the brain, in world domination. And his tools of choice for world domination, are all in his full length, black trench coat.

And his favorite weapon of choice is, of course, DUCT TAPE.

This is a photo of Matt, Taken his
10th grade year of High School.

This is a Beach(in a store), and those guys, I never
got there names. But this photo was taken at 5am after
Matt had graduated from High School the day before.

This is a picture of Matt and Meredith, I took this a couple of Summers ago, at a Ice Cream Social.

This is Matt(in green) at ASU's Annual Drag Show.

© 2000 Email him, and tell him what you think of him.
Email me, and tell me what you think of all this.

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