Morgan Will

		       In the name of God Amen

I Thomas Morgin of Bedford County being of perfect mind and memory,
but calling to mind the mortalilty of man do make and Ordain This my
Last Will and Testament in the following manner and form.  I promise
to give to my Son Lewis Morgin and to his heirs and assigns forever
Two Shillings Sixpence Sterling.  Item I give to my son Thomas Morgin
and to his heirs and assigns forever Two Shillings Sixpence Sterling.
Item I give to my Daughter Ann Honsey and to her heirs and assigns
forever One Shilling Threepence Sterling.  Item I give to my Daughter
Elizabeth Vardiman and to her heirs and assign forever One Shilling
Threepence Sterling.  Item I give to my Son John Morgin and to his
heirs and assigns forever One Shilling ThreePence Sterling.
Item I give to my son William Morgin and to his Heirs and assigns
forever One Shilling Threepence Sterling. Item I give to my Daughter
Leatice Richardson and to her heirs and assigns forever One Shilling
Threepence Sterling.  Item I give to my daughter Mary Morgan and to
her Heirs and assigns forever.  Item I give to my Daughter Suanna
Morgin and to her heirs and assigns forever One Shilling Threepence
Sterling.  Item I give to my son Samuel Morgin and to his heirs and
assigns forever One Shilling Threepence Sterling.  Item I give to my
Daughter Hanar Inmon and to her heirs and Assigns forever One Shilling
Threepence Sterling.  Item I give to my son Reeace Morgin and to his
heirs and assigns forever One Shilling Threepence Sterling.  Item I
give to my daughter Pheaby Morgin and to her heirs and assigns forever
one Cow and Calf.  Item I give to my Daughter Reachel and to her Heirs
and assigns forever one Cow and Calf.  Item I give to my Morgan Morgin
and my son Mordecia Morgan my Old Plantation, only there is to be ten
acres reserved of from it to be added to the place where I now live
and there is to be Two Hundred Acres to be taken of the Six Hundred
Acre Track at the south end and is to be added to my Old Plantation to
them and there Heirs ands assigns forever.  Item I give to my wife
Fore Hundred Twenty Acres of land where I now live during her natural
life and then it shall fall to my Son Abraham Morgin to him and his
heirs and assigns forever and I likewise give to my Wife during her
natural life all my movable estate and at her Death it is to be
divided Between her children and I do hereby nominate make and ordain
my Wife Ester Morgin and my Son Samuel Morgin my only and sole Execs.
of this my last will and Testement Revoking and making null and void
all other Wills and Testements by me formerly made Declaring this and
no other to be my last Will and Testement.  In Witness of which I have
hearunto set my hand and fixt my seale this First Day of April in The
Year of our Lord God One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Fore.

Signed sealed and delivered                          His
in the presents of                                       	           
William Hancock       			Thomas	 	     Morgan	
Elisha Inman, Mary Hancock			     Mark

At a Court held for Bedford County May 23,1774  

This last Will and Testament of Thomas Morgin Decd. was proven by the
oaths of William Hancock and Elisha Inman an Ordered to be Recorded.
					J. A. Steptoe C.C.


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