Will of Benjamin Scott
  In the name of God,--Amen. I, Benjamin Scott, of the county 
  of Hardy, and the State of Virginia being of weak of body, 
  but of perfect mind  and memory, thanks be  to God for the  
  same, and calling  to mind the  mortality of  this body do  
  make, ordain,  and  constitute  this,  my  last  will  and  
  testament in manner  and form  following, that  is to say,  
  principally and first of all I  recommend my Soul into the  
  hands of the living God that gave it, and as to such of my 
  worldly goods as God has been  pleased to bless me with in  
  this life, I will and bequeath in the following manner. It  
  is my will  and order that  all my just  debts and funeral  
  charges be paid.
  Imprimis, I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Scott all 
  the Plantation lying on Looney Creek on which he now lives, 
  also four pounds to him, his heirs, and assigns forever.
  Item, I give and bequeath unto my son, John Scott all that 
  part of the Plantation on which I now live lying on the east 
  side of Looney Creek, and the field lying on the other side 
  of Looney Creek from the Pond, one black Mare, One bay mare, 
  and veal cattle to the value of six pounds, together with an 
  equal part of the  mountain survey to  him, his heirs, and  
  assigns forever.
  Item, I give  and bequeath  to my  son Alexander,  all the  
  remaining part of my above Plantation lying on the west side 
  of Looney Creek, and the other half of the mountain survey  
  to him, his heirs, and assigns forever.
  Item, I give to my son Samuel Scott a certain tract of land 
  purchased of Captain David Scott lying on the western waters 
  and thirty pounds of horse creatures, and if my son Samuel's 
  land be not  equal to my  other sons,  Benjamin, John, and  
  Alexander's they shall make up to  him the balance to him,  
  his heirs, and assigns  forever, and if  either of my sons  
  shall die before they come of age, or without lawful issue  
  it is my will that their  portion be equally divided among  
  the rest of my  children here named:  Viz. Benjamin Scott,  
  John Scott, Alexander Scott, Samuel Scott, Elizabeth Scott, 
  Mary Scott, Nancy Scott, and Hannah Scott.
  Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter, Elizabeth Scott,  
  the sum  of  thirty  pounds lawful  money  of  this State,  
  likewise a colt. To Mary Scott thirty pounds money as above 
  said. To Nancy Scott thirty pounds money as above said. To  
  Hannah Scott thirty pounds as above  said. Each of them to  
  receive five pounds at the present time and to wait for the 
  remainder till they come to  the age of twenty-four years.  
  My moveable estate  to be  divided amongst  my three sons,  
  Benjamin, John, and Alexander,  and each of  them to pay a  
  dividend and to make the girls  their portion. I do hereby  
  ordain and constitute my two sons, Benjamin and John to be  
  Executors in  this  my last  will  and  Testament, signed,  
  sealed, published, and pronounced this thirty-first day of  
  May, 1788.
           In the presence of                      his
     Job  Welton                           Benjamin x Scott
     R. Cunningham
     Alexander  X  Simpson
Typed by Lyman Morrison, 1994.
Benjamin Scott owned a large Plantation on Looney Creek in Hardy
county, (now West) Virginia.  he bequeathed it to the above named
children by will dated May 31, 1788.  The will was probated in that
county September 13, 1790. 

    Source: geocities.com/grandmashannon/articles/scott

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