Mom is turning eighty October 28. She has been very supportive of a lot of people on site, and helped a lot of new writers get started, and keep going. She has been a friend to many, and many are her friends. I just thought since it was such a momentous occasion, that it was worth celebrating. How many 80 year old aspiring novelists do we have on site anyway?

Her writing by the way is just getting better and better... so much for old dogs and new tricks... not to say I think my mother is a dog, because then what would I be?

Anyway, this site has in a lot of ways, kept her from getting depressed and kept her connected to the world. I know that her friends are good ones. Here's their chance to prove it.

Mom is a champion to the oppressed, and the most generous person I have ever known. She is smart, and she is funny, and she was cute too. I must have been left on her doorstep.

— ArtByJude

Participants in the great Granniemose Birthday Bash Write-Off

  1. 29th_Candidate: The Email That Was Never Here, Still Won't Disappear!
  2. 2buzy: Happy 80th Birthday Dear Granniemose, yes, Happy, Happy Birthday to you!
  3. AdaDavis: Loo, Loo, Skip To My Loo...
  4. ahlstromomy: My Unsung Hero
  5. annecal: Granniemose Birthday Bash Write Off
  6. annexation: A Few Days Late – Happy Birthday, Granniemose
  7. arielssong: Twelve Weeks to Artistic Freedom
  8. artbyjude: Letters to Virginia: Dearborn, Michigan
  9. artbyjude: Letters to Virginia: The Red Bird
  10. artbyjude: Letters to Virginia: 1931 (Leaving on a Train)
  11. artbyjude: Letters to Virginia: The Broken Arm
  12. artbyjude: Letters to Virginia: Faye
  13. artbyjude: Letters to Virginia: Christmas 1935
  14. artbyjude: Letters to Virginia: The Gift 1932
  15. artbyjude: Happy Birthday Granniemose from your lovin' labs
  16. artbyjude: Fred Zinnemann's From Here to Eternity (1953)
  17. artbyjude: Quiet... Like a Marine Bomb
  18. artbyjude: 80 things to get Granniemose for her birthday
  19. artbyjude: GMBB the Final Count — 91 and still climbing!
  20. BadkittyM: Happy Birthday, Virginia!
  21. Brendametcalf: Age Doesn't Matter, Unless You're Cheese
  22. CANS4US: Elmo says "Have a Happy Birthday!"... at any age!
  23. coldsteel7: Home Away From Home In Downtown Chicago
  24. dedemw: According to my brother...
  25. diverpam: Yes, Virginia, there really is a Cirque du Soleil at Walt Disney World!
  26. dragonfire88: Vacation
  27. ed_grover: Ursy & Zoë in Taos
  28. Erinys: A Noble Family Tradition
  29. Eskimo101: A Great Book for a Great Author!
  30. flamepillar: May the Circle of Life be unbroken!
  31. gaelkm: Autumn Remembrance
  32. garym: Two Thumbs Yup
  33. goodluckcharm: I Wish Granniemose a Happy 80th
  34. grandgram: Where Are You God?
  35. Gungian: Granniemose is no Ghost
  36. Gungian: Granniemose at the Gorge
  37. Horswispr: A short story called Browning
  38. ifif1938: What a Wedding! My Short Celebrity Experience
  39. jackai: All About MY Mother
  40. JAMES23: Card Playing and Toilet Training, Cold War Style
  41. jankp: The Granniemose Challenge: To Love Thy Brain!
  42. jankp: Granniemose, Is This Chocolate Cake A No-Brainer Or What?
  43. jankp: Jimmy Carter: More Than A Preacher In The Virtues Of Aging
  44. jeff_wilder78: Grandmother And The Grinch Costume
  45. jenb123: Happy Birthday Barbie
  46. jetbluefan1: Lordos Beach Hotel - Don't Fall Down That Waterfall!
  47. All in a Day's Work: The Sub and Reflections on a Rock
  48. KatM: October...
  49. kevlog: Belated Happy Birthday to GrannieMose
  50. klueger: Our Mysterious Adventure
  51. Lark729_89: Happy 80th Virginia!
  52. Lark729_89: Hallmark's 196th Presentation Written In Honor Of Granniemose's 80th B'Day
  53. lemon_lime: Dear Virginia (a poem for Granniemose)
  54. LEDOMAINE: The Nature of Betrayal
  55. Lisa_J: Happy Birthday Granniemose! I’ll be baking 80 cakes for this one! Cake Mix Doctor
  56. lorace: Dream Your Blues Away
  57. lorace: A Birthday Basket for GrannieMose!
  58. lynus: Crack Pot Movie Reviewer Reviews A Crock Pot
  59. maggsmomm: Inside Looking Out
  60. maggsmomm: My Box
  61. mind-full: The Essence of Time
  62. Mom2TyZick: For My Favorite Octogenarian
  63. mothermeatloaf: First Knight: Not my first choice, but not my last, either
  64. mr_calcul8r: Grandma's Last Visit
  65. mshawpyle: Trailing Clouds of Glory: D-Day, the American Century
  66. mummummum: Giving Thanks on Thanksgiving Day
  67. Nolefan1942: Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument
  68. officer: Gratitude: My entry to the Granniemose Birthday Bash
  69. Petra: Happy Birthday From LA
  70. pogomom: Faulty Put the "F" in Farberware!
  71. Psychovant: A Rain-Soaked Letter To Virginia
  72. redwolfoz: Web monkey responsible for the page you are viewing
  73. redwolfoz: Looking for Alibrandi: Tales of Suburban Amazons
  74. roxymarie: 80 Reasons My Husband Should Be Dead By Now
  75. Simply_Crispy: Granniemose is Nicole Kidman
  76. skbreese: The Power Of The Pen
  77. SMITHSWOODSIDE: What did you just call me?
  78. Sordid-1: I Think GrannieMose Would Make a Fine Addition to My Disfunctional Family Tree!
  79. sumo_rhino: The Mere Brute Pleasure of Reading
  80. SurgRN911: GMBB Or The More Things Change
  81. susidee34: Granniemose Big Bad Birthday Bash
  82. Suzer: 80 Reasons To Write For Epinions
  83. sweetsue_98: Love!
  84. Thorbjore: What's Cookin'?!
  85. tombarnes: Thaiphoon Washington... A Firestorm of Flavor is Coming Your Way
  86. usmarinecorps: Something for Granniemose
  87. vemartin: American Unilateralism, A Satirical Look
  88. Vormancian: The Maiden and Her Fears Part I
  89. Vormancian: The Maiden and Her Fears Part II
  90. weirdo_87: Love is wonderful, but all you really need is courage
  91. weirdo_87: Raiders of the Lost Ark: Why'd it have to be snakes?
# | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W