about us

A Bit From Our Past... Back in the winter of 1994, Jason decided that he wanted to start a punk rock band. James told him that he could play guitar, yet in reality, James could only really play the tune to "Bad to the Bone." So, Jason and James pondered on what to call their band. Jason had once heard Frank Peretti speak on something about "grains of sand," so he thought about naming the band "sandgrain." Jason really didn't like the sound of "sandgrain," so he somehow switched the letters around and came up with "gransane." Joining in the early days of gransane was Doug Coldsmith (now a youth pastor) and Seth Hartman on bass.

Well, to say it politely, gransane's first show was pretty bad. At this time, gransane had more of a sloppy kind of old school punk rock type of sound. Well, Seth moved away, so in May of 1995, Jeremiah joined the band to play bass. Chris Clugh was also asked to be an alternate drummer for the songs that Jason would sing (which was about half of them). At a show in July of that year, Jason became really sick in the stomach and got a headache from singing lead on songs, and he actually had to leave part of the show. So after this show, he realized that his lead singing days were over. Doug and Chris left for college in Indiana at the end of that summer.

So, gransane at the fall of '95 was a three piece. Jeremiah took over at vocals, and Jason stayed as a permanent drummer, who would also sing back-up vocals. Around May of 1996, Joe joined the band. At this time, he only knew how to play sax. The band tried having Joe play bass and Jeremiah switch to guitar, but Jeremiah was pretty bad at guitar and missed playing bass too much. So, Joe quickly learned how to play guitar that summer. Also, at this time, gransane had been incorporating some ska music influences in their music. After many months of experimenting with this ska influence, gransane decided to stop playing any ska in their music, and instead to stick with punk rock.

Today, gransane is no longer a band. We finished the band in the fall of 2000. Jason is currently the lead singer of his own band where he also plays guitar. The rest of us play for fun, worship, or whenever in our free time.

More Personally...
All of us in gransane have a personal love relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has done amazing things in our lives and has saved us from the hopelessness of the lives we used to live in. We hope that you can see the reason that we strive to live (although we're not perfect), and that is for Jesus Christ. We hope to show His love to others, just as He has to us.

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