Gravitaics is the technology of the controlled use of gravitational phenomena to achieve a desired result. The main aim of gravitaics here is for the lift and propulsion of spacecraft and other vehicles but under gravitaics could be included the placing of space vehicles and satellites in orbits such as NASA does, or the use of gravity siphons in water projects or even a child on a playground using the shifting of it*s weight to propel itself in a swing.
            Is it possible for an object  to be made to be made to hover in or repel away from a gravitational field by means of it*s interaction with that gravitational field?  Yes it is and it is not beyond the reach of current technology. It is also understandable in terms of Newtonian physics.
            The lift and repulsion can be created by means of a "gravitating ring". It is a ring of mass spun up to orbital or trans-orbital velocity. It is termed gravitating because of the reaction it has with a gravitational field.
            Some may get the idea just from the above description of the gravitating ring however a much deeper understanding by looking at all the parts of the reaction will give one a far better grasp of what can be done with the principle. Also there will be the question "does the gravitating ring generate antigravity"?
            To just say that something generates or operates on "antigravity" is to open oneself up to attack. The reason for this is that at the time of this writing the only extant definition for "antigravity" is a Science Fiction definition; a hypothetical force that would oppose or render null the effects of gravity. The term has never been, at least officially, applied to anything known to be actual. So if one is going to use the term to apply to something that is actual one had better be very clear about what it is that is being called by the term and why. The thing being called "antigravity" should also be capable of being used to produce effects similar to those that "antigravity" is applied to in fiction.
            In the gravitating ring there is a factor being generated that is fully eligible by the above statement to be called "antigravity". This factor is not something new and previously undiscovered. It is a very basic action  in this universe the full significance of which has probably been overlooked. That factor is the expansion of the space of a system of objects caused be the motions of the objects. To reiterate it is the expansion of space or the distances between the objects of a system caused by the motions of the objects. We will be expanding on this further.
            In order to look in detail at this factor and how it is employed in the gravitating ring we are going to use vectors.

            Vectors are the motion influences on an object. The path an object takes is the result of the vectors. Vectors have both magnitude and direction. They are usually represented by an arrow.
            Vectors are useful because if you can see all of the vectors that influence an objects motion you can predict where it will go. You can also see what vectors need to be imparted to an object in order to get it to go where you want it to.
            If you have played a few good games of pool you probably already have some understanding of vectors even if you weren"t  thinking of it in those terms. You learn to strike your ball with the cue ball at certain angles and speeds to make your ball go into the  pocket you want it to. When you are estimating the angle to strike the ball and how hard to hit it you are calculating vectors. When you  plan a bounce off the bumpers, how hard and at what angle, you are calculating vectors. Vectors have direction and magnitude. If you did it properly your ball will take the path you planed to the pocket.  There are two general types of vector acting on an object that we are going to be using.
            The first is the straight line vector.  In terms of the objects we will be considering this is the line that the object is being carried along by means of it's own inertia and which in the absence of other influences would carry the object along a straight path.
            The second type of vector is the radiant vector. This is a vector who's direction is always toward or away from a fixed point within the system of objects. Gravity is a radiant vector  as it's direction is always toward the center of mass of the system of objects. Also the centripetal (acting toward the center) force in a spinning wheel or ring is a radiant vector as it*s direction  is always toward the axis of rotation.
             Two straight line vectors acting upon an object will produce a straight path of the object that is the combination of the two vectors.  A straight line vector and a radiant vector will produced a curved path as long as the straight line vector is not directly in line with the radiant vector. It is  the combination of all the vectors acting upon an object that determine it"s path or trajectory.


            No the subtitle is not redundant. While the effects of gravity are well known and are calculated with great accuracy the basic nature of gravity is not well understood at all.  One of the results of this is that there is a blur between gravity and the product of gravity and two terms that ought to have distinctly different meanings are viewed as referring to the  same thing.
            Newton and Einstein gave us the ability to calculate orbits and predict many gravitational effects with great accuracy however no progress has been made in the ability to control gravitation and bend it to our uses using the theories of either men. In order to effectively control gravitation for use it is necessary to have a more complete and accurate understanding of  gravity and gravitation