~Caught Napping~

The soft touch of the night breeze was what woke her. As she slowly became conscious, she thought about how wonderful it was to be wakened by so gentle a touch.

Then she remembered that she had closed all the windows before she went to bed.

She sat up abruptly, suddenly wide awake. Near panic, she got out of bed and left her room. The breeze was stronger here in the hall, and her dread grew as she followed it back towards its source.

The nursery window stood open and the bed was empty.

And the neighbours were awakened not by the wind, but by her screams.

* * * * * * *

Grissom surveyed the room, eyes picking up all the details, even the ones that weren't obvious. The empty nursery was lit only by the moonlight, gently shining through the open window. Its silvery light cast a glow of serenity over the room, a serenity Grissom did not share.

He felt, rather then heard, Sara arrive and stand beside him. Her sharp brown eyes looked over his shoulder, seeking out details even as his own blue ones did. He knew that Nick would be with her, and that he would exhale in frustration and turn his head away from what he saw. Then, working as a team, they would process the scene with a meticulousness fostered by their supervisor, and practiced on countless depravities. His own hearing was touch and go, but his work, and by association theirs was almost unaffected.

The three scientists entered the nursery, and stood silently in the middle of the room, continuing their survey. Sara suddenly cocked her head to the side. Both Grissom and Nick looked at her curiously.

"Hear that?" she asked.

"Hear what?" Nick replied.

"Exactly." Sara said. "Now I don't hear anything."

The stress she placed on he word 'now' drew Grissom's attention. He followed her gaze across the room where he saw a shelf containing several music boxes. He remembered music boxes; remembered taking them apart so his mother could run her fingers over the pattern of dots that made the music; remembered his frustration at being unable to explain with his hands what he heard with his ears.

"Brahms" He stated, picking a common tune and hoping he was right. "Brahms' Cradle Song."

"Music boxes only play for a few minutes." Nick said. "Whoever started this one must still be pretty close."

"Yeah" said Grissom, signaling for him to go and put Brass on alert, "and we have just been caught napping."