
"There's something eerie about this." Warrick said from where he knelt close to the bed looking for anything traceable.

Catherine glared at him. "Of course there's something eerie about it. This is the second kidnapping in two days."

"That's not exactly what I meant." Warrick said, his tone slightly defensive. "I meant that these scenes remind me of something."

"What sort of something?" Sara asked from over by the music boxes.

"I think it is something I've read somewhere." Warrick replied, bagging evidence as he spoke. "but not recently. It was a while ago."

Catherine looked around the room. A coating of print powder was dusted over every surface and the room had been gone over with the forensic equivalent of a fine toothed comb.

"Lets get the camera and samples back to the lab. We can compare them to the other case and see if there are any similarities, and see what Nick found outside." She said.

"And what Gris got from the mother." Warrick added.

With one last look around the room and an unvoiced promise to its former occupant, Catherine left the scene and headed back to the lab.

* * * * * * *

Grissom was starting to hate this case. He had nothing against a challenge, that was what made his job interesting. But this one was beyond challenge. This was frustratingly frightening. While interviewing the distraught mother, he'd noticed a strong sweet smell about her, and realized she'd been drugged with chloroform. The kidnapper knew the business and there was nothing worse than a perp who knew the business.

He entered the layout room and found Catherine poring over the pictures of the two scenes, looking for a commonality to tie them together. He'd been watching her closely, well, only slightly more so than normal, for signs of duress; this was a case involving children after all. But so far Catherine was holding up well.

Either that or she was putting up a very good front, which was a distinct possibility.

She became aware of his scrutiny, and turned around to smile at him. She was about to tell him something when the younger three CSIs entered the room to report their findings.

"No prints." Sara said, her voice and mouth twisted in frustration, "Not the mother's, not the little girl's, nothing."

"I found a hair.' Warrick said. "Greg's got it in the lab."

"At least you found something we can trace." Said Nick, usually an optimist to the core. "There were no footprints, of tire treads, no foreign material, and no prints on the ladder. I sent a soil sample to Greg, but I don't know how useful it'll be."

"The mother was chloroformed." Grissom added his report.

"And the mother of victim number one was sleeping on the other side of the house." Catherine put in, "Provided the two cases are linked."

"I timed the music box. It plays for four minutes and 37 seconds." Sara reported.

"That doesn't give the kidnapper much of a window." Nick observed, "unless he's Roger Bannister."

"I am missing something!" Warrick exclaimed, hitting his fist on the table in frustration.

Grissom looked at him, one eye brow raised and a query in his eyes.

"Warrick thinks he read something somewhere that reminds him of this." Catherine explained.

"At this stage, I'll take anything I can get." Grissom said. He picked up his copy of the case file and walked out the door and towards his office.

The other four exchanged a glance, and headed for the break room seeking the coffee machine, and a clear mind.