O'Reilly was waiting for them on the shores of Lake Mead when Catherine and Warrick got out of the Tahoe. The Sergeant's face had the "now I've seen it all" look on it that usually signified that the CSI team had a lot of overtime coming up. Warrick raised his eyebrows, but made no comment.

"Well, what've we got" Catherine asked once within speaking range.

"Fishermen out spotlighting. Found a surprise. Coroner's here." O'Reilly told them brusquely.

Three people wearing Animal Recovery jackets walked past the CSI's as they followed the detective to the water's edge

"Why are they here?" Warrick asked. He whistled through his teeth when he saw what was floating in the shallows. "Never mind, why are we here?"

David waved at them from a few feet out, and began to walk back to them, stumbling slightly in his hip-waders.

"What have you got David?" Catherine asked.

"Well, they are both dead." The coroner replied.

"Both?" Warrick said.

"Yeah." David made a face, "there's a body in this croc."

Catherine rolled her eyes. It was going to be a long night.

* * * * * * *

"Catherine Willows?" A voice broke into her concentration as Catherine examined the tread marks at the edge of the lake. Catherine turned around to see a young woman standing behind her.

"Yes?" she said.

"My name is Heidi Newton. I am supposed to help your coroner with the autopsies."

"The bodies have already gone back to the lab." Catherine explained. Heidi pursed her lips. "I can give you directions."

"I know where it is." Heidi replied. "but I was dropped off here, they said I could go back with the bodies."

"Well, my partner and I are almost done here, so we can give you a lift."


Warrick came up to them, looking less than thrilled with his finds along the shore.

"Get anything?" asked Catherine. Warrick shook his head, and redirected his attention to Heidi. "Warrick, meet Heidi Newton. She is going to help Robbins with the autopsies."

Warrick removed his gloves so that he could shake Heidi's outstretched hand. "Are we done?" he asked.

"Yes." Catherine replied. "All I found was the tire treads."

"That's more than I got." Warrick said.

Catherine flashed him a smile. "The dive team might find something tomorrow. Let's get back to the lab."