Greg Sanders worked away in the lab oblivious to the fact that he was under observation. Carefully, he removed a small section of the swab Sara had collected, and ran it through the ABA card. Humming to himself, he catalogued the result and reached for the last sample.

"Never Smile at a Crocodile?" Greg turned around to see Sara standing in the doorway. He grinned, ran the last swab, and handed her his report.

"Well that's fun." Sara quipped.

"What's fun?" Grissom asked from the doorway. Sara and Greg exchanged a glance, and Greg jumped in to offer his findings.

"There were 24 samples. Twenty-three of them came back croc. The last one was human."

Grissom's eyebrow went up. He was about to speak when Catherine, Warrick, and someone he didn't recognize came into the lab.

"Grissom, you would not believe what Dr. Robbins has to operate on." Catherine said by way of hello.

"Would it happen to be six feet long, toothy and answer to the name of Al."

Catherine's jaw dropped, and Warrick began to laugh.

"They named it Al?" Sara said incredulously.

"It is some sort of a joke." Gris replied. "The keeper told me."

Catherine remembered her manners, and pulled Heidi into the conversation. "Grissom, this is Heidi. She's the biologist who'll be helping Dr. Robbins. Heidi, this is Grissom, Sara and Greg. Greg can you show her to the morgue please, I think the rest of us need to have a discussion about this case."

Greg noddded, and debonairly offers Heidi his arm. The CSIs head for the layout room.

* * * * * * *

Dr. Robbins and Heidi, both in full autopsy garb, begin their work. The croc is lying on his back, taking up two gurneys, with the third waiting by for the human body.

"Well this is something I don't get to do very often." Dr. Robbins said, reaching out to press the record button on his tape recorder.

Heidi nodded in agreement. "This is a little odd."

"Where do we start?"

"Well, David found a hand in the croc's mouth, so lets make an incision in the throat and then work our way to the stomach."

Dr. Robbins handed Heidi the knife, and she grinned at him. "All right then, here we go."

* * * * * * *

Heidi walked into the break room to find the CSI team gathered there.

"Am I interrupting anything?" she asked.

"No" replied Grissom, "tell us what you found."

"We found a human hand in the back of the crocodile's throat, as David said. We checked the croc's entire digestive system, and sent the contents to the lab for processing, but only the hand was undigested, everything else had been in there for a while. Cause of death was exsanguination. The croc's throat was slit in the exhibit, and it was dead before he was dumped. Markings on the tail indicate that it was dragged somewhere. The hand is in DNA."

Just as she finished, Greg entered the room.

"I processed the hand. DNA is an unknown male, but the palm print is the exact opposite of the one on the security video."

"OK. So we have a killer and a DB out there somewhere." Nick summarized.

"And the DB is missing a hand." Added Warrick.

"Nick, Warrick go back to the zoo and go through the pond water." The two nodded and Grissom continued to hand out assignments. "Sara, try and find a match for the tire treads. Catherine and I will go back to Lake Mead and see what the dive team is finding."

They all filed out. Heidi turned to Greg.

"And what are we supposed to do?" She asked.

"Well, I've still got some fibre samples and some epithelials to run, but if you're bored you can process the stomach contents." Was the answer.

"Great. I've been meaning to find a reason to stop eating." Greg grinned at her sarcasm.

"Don't worry, there's a restaurant I can take you to where the food is so awesome, you'd eat it regardless of what you'd just finished dissecting."

Laughing, they made their way to the lab.

* * * * * * *

A.N. "Never Smile at a Crocodile" is a folk song as far as I know, so I have no idea who should get the credit for it. I am pretty sure that I have a tape of Raffi singing it somewhere, and it also appears in the Disney Peter Pan.