Nick looked into the pond with a speculative expression on his face.

"Paper, Scissors, Rock?" Warrick asked him lightly.

"No way. Not this time." Nick replied, "We'll drain it and see if we find anything that way. Unless you want to go swimming of course."

Warrick laughed and shook his head. The two men walked to the edge of the pond and talked with the techs who were just getting ready to drain the pond. The vacuum began sucking up the water, and filtering out any solid items it found. The water level grew lower and lower, and Nick suddenly saw something.

"What is that?" he asked.

"I think we'd better get David down here." Warrick said, taking out his cell phone. "It looks like we found our body."

* * * * * * *

Sara rubbed her eyes and reached for her coffee cup, only to remember that she had just emptied it. Sighing, she put it back down and went back to the computer screen.

"Still no match?" said a voice from behind her. She turned, and there was Nick, leaning against the door post.

"No." she replied, "the tread is rubbed almost raw, so I don't have much to go on. What did you find at the zoo?"

"A body." Was the laconic answer.

"Figures." She said bitterly "You and Warrick get a body, and I get the tire treads."

"If it makes you feel any better, Warrick got to stay and work on the scene some more, and I had to come back to run some tests."

"It doesn't." she said, turning back to her computer.

"Well, I brought you some coffee."

"That, Mr. Stokes, makes me feel much better." She said and shot him a gap- toothed smile.

He grinned back and pulled up a chair to sit beside her. He handed her the coffee and she nodded her thanks. The two of them stared at the screen in companiable silence, waiting for the program to find them a match.

* * * * * * *

Greg removed the sample bottle from the centrifuge, and picked up the computer print out. He cocked his head to one side as he read he results.

"Well?" asked Heidi.

"The epithelials are crocodilian." He replied. "and the white fibres that Nock found are some sort of heavy duty cloth, made of Dacron."

"Well, we think Al might have been dragged from the scene, maybe he was in the cloth." Heidi postulated.

"I still think Al is a ridiculous name for a crocodile." Greg said. "What turned up in the stomach contents?"

"Chicken." She answered. "Which is what we were expecting because that is what the crocs get fed. There was also some glass in his stomach, and it has the same density as the section of the window Nick took from the exhibit."

"So all we need now is the rest of the window and a big white sheet?" Greg said.

"I don't think we're looking for a sheet. I think we're looking for something heavier."

* * * * * * *

Catherine and Grissom stood on the shores of Lake Mead waiting for the dive team to get back. One of the SCUBA divers surfaced, and made her way back to them. Her partner followed, pulling something along behind him. The two of them exited the water and pulled up their goggles.

"Here you go." Said the woman, "sorry, but there's nothing else down there."

"At this stage we'll take what we can get." Catherine said, snapping on her gloves.

Grissom looked at the large white bundle the divers had retrieved from the bottom of the lake. "Lets take it to the lab and open it there." He suggested.

Catherine nodded, thanked the dive team, and the two investigators headed back to the Tahoe.

* * * * * * *

Warrick came into the break room to find Sara and Nick sitting on the couch, talking with Heidi and Greg who were sitting at the table. Warrick pulled up a chair beside Greg, and helped himself to the popcorn that was on the table.

"Ugh" he said, "it's cold."

"Well of course," said Sara with a smile, "I made it hours ago."

"You find a match?" he asked. The look she shot him had daggers in it, and he took the warning. "I had a miserable time at the crime scene. Very boring."

"Nice try." Said Greg, beginning to laugh.

Warrick's cell phone rang. "Warrick. . .yeah. . .okay, are you sure. . . did David tell you about the body?.. . .right, see you at 8:00 then."

Nick looked at him quizzically.

"That was Gris." Warrick said, refusing to rise to the bait, "he said that he and Catherine have found a bundle at the lake, and they are bringing it in to analyze it. We're supposed to go home, rest, and come in for work on time so we can be sharp and solve the case."

"Did he actually say that?" Heidi asked

"Yes, yes he did." Warrick replied.

"I'm not really that tired." Sara said. Nick groaned. "I didn't mean that I want to stay silly, I just don't want to go home and do nothing."

She turned to look and Warrick and Greg, figuring that between the two of them, they probably knew of somewhere that was fun at 8:00 in the morning.

Warrick thought about it for a while and then said "There's a club I know of that's twenty four hours. They have a dance floor and they serve food."

"Do they have breakfast?" Nick asked.

"You call this meal breakfast?" Greg asked.

"Whatever, lets just go." Sara said impatiently.

"Fine." Said Nick.

"I'll drive" said Warrick, "we can take the Tahoe."