The Land Where Wrong Is Right
By Stephen Gray

Have you ever wondered what if right became wrong and wrong became right? Well this has actually come to pass. There is a land where a disease-ridden lifestyle has become a “right,” and to criticize it is a wrong. This lifestyle contaminated the land’s blood supply, but the powers that be were negligent in letting the people know at the time, because this was the land where wrong behavior was a “right.” Anyone objecting to this behavior and lifestyle could have “hate crimes” laid against them for speaking the truth.

In this land where truths are lies and lies are truths, if a person writes a letter to the newspapers exposing the medical facts of this wrong behavior that person could be subjected to all kinds of penalties for stating the truth (provided, of course, that the politically correct media publish the letter). He or she could even be suspended from his/her job, and punished for telling the truth. “How can that happen?” sane people might ask.  But, in the land where wrong is right, truth becomes a lie, and the liars rule.

The liars are in positions of power and they destroy the truth because lying has become a “political and judicial principle.” Decisions are handed down by judges (ex-lawyers) that make a mockery of sanity, morality, and truth. They tell the people men can “marry” men and women can “marry” women. Now a sane person, on hearing this judicial nonsense, must say to oneself: have these “learned” judges gone off their rocker or should they be in a rocker-chair living out their last days in their demented state? Of course not, this is the land where wrong is right and judges rule with crazy might, a land where they hallucinate and invent a “right.”

The “rights” madness also afflicts the politicians; they take their orders from the judges and the politicians concoct a “law” that “legitimizes” a wrong becoming a “right.” Rights become the slogan of the political class, and the cry of “rights are rights are rights” is the rallying call of every dingbat, deadbeat, and dope in their Houses of Power. Ridiculous you might say, but hey, this is the land where wrong is right and the political class have no principles. They are political imbeciles and wrongs become “rights” in their non-functioning brain-damaged heads.

The heads of the ruling classes are a sorry gang of political asses.
Braying and belching in their Houses of Power.
Oh, what a bloody awful shower.
“I say, Mr. Speaker, can two men ‘marry?’” “Oh, yes indeed,” says speaker Harry.

Just a wee bit of poetry to end these facts, for this is a land of political quacks.

These political turkeys are birds of a feather. They all make the same foolish noises together.

Wrong is right and right is wrong. This is their perverted song.

A nest of fools making obscene laws. And the people give them no applause.

They manufacture filth with all their might. Because this is the land where wrong is right.
Stephen Gray
January 3, 2007. website