3rd Asian Conferences in Engineering Geology and Environment, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, Sep 2001
Right to Left: Myself, Dr. Uroumiye-i (Iran), Dr. Ebrahim Komo from Malaysia (head of Asian Engineering Geology and Environment Association at that time), and a university professor that I dont remember his name from Indonesi
A traditional danse and music program narrating the story of RAMA
I was at the top of biggest temple in Indonesia with Dr. Taylor from Australia and Edgar from Colombia (with cap, we were in same term of our MSc study in Shimane Univrcity).
A memorial photograpg infront of that biggest temple in Indinesia. I'm behinde the lady with white scarf.
The place of conference in Hayat Hotel.
Sambisari temple, which had been burried by volcanic ash. This is the temple of fertilizing. I dont know if it does work!!!!