And Now for the Famous and Obligatory

Well nothing is going to top my list of thanks than the old page but I think that after two years I have some more people and companies to thank for all their help in getting me to where I am today.
So here is the new and improved list of thanks and appreciation for all the help in molding me into who I am today:

There is nothing more intelligent or more stupid than the process of learning knowledge; you seek knowledge and in turn lose time in the pursuit of knowledge. In the end are you smarter for taking the time to learn it or stupid for wasting the time learning but never finding the time to apply what you have learned? I am never too sure if I was smarter to find knowledge or dumber for missing out on the life I could of have had while studying it.

-self quote induced by lack of sleep and too many self help books

I would like to thank the following for helping me along the way to who I am today:

Dr. Zuess and all the wonderful characters in his books. If I can't be Thing One or Thng Two at least I know the green eggs and ham in my fridge is more than a freak of nature science project.

Photocopy machines for interesting photo sessions during your coffee break. If only Xerox knew what you can do while on the zoom function. (but I say they have to design a better place for the start buttom in certain positions you just can't find the damm button.)

Digital cameras for not having that strange look from the photo developing center guy when he hands my back my pictures. For the record the picture was all taken out of context I wasn't really doing what he thought I was with the sheep. And yes I have been known to be caught on film without my clothing on but it is all innocent. I didn't do laundry that day.

V-8 juice for making my vitamins in a glass, especially when mixed in a Ceasar with my other nutritional supplement vodka.

Silent Sam for being so quiet going down and so loud in the morning when the hangover arrives.

Customs Agents and more importantly the metal detector. I love being frisked for dollars.

Handcuff manufacturers everywhere for giving me hours of pleasure. They say you can't keep a good man down, well I think I have finally solved that problem.

Public washroom stalls for all your interesting advice when I need ya most.

Long dinner tableclothes for hiding the evidence of where I am and what I am doing at that fancy restaurant with that guy. Phew.

Puppies for just giving me joy and resorting me to a puddle of affection when you are around.

The Ten Commandments for reminding me of all the rules I broke last night when I was looped on Tequila.

Having the compulsion to grab men's butts. And especially all the men who let me.

People who think I am crazy.. glad to know my suspicions were right...

My teddy bear Mr. E. for all the years of cuddling support during my loveless phases.