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This information contains spoilers for most of the early seasons of Babylon 5

Brakiri - One of the younger races whose territory lies near that of the Gaim. The Brakiri began colonizing other worlds about the same time as the humans. They are a race of night dwellers and were part of the League of Non Aligned Worlds. Comets are a symbol of death to the Brakiri people. The threat of bringing forth a comet is meant as a death threat to an entire Brakiri clan. The Brakiri were used as pawns by the Shadows in order to generate chaos in the region, upon suffering a great loss of lives and resources the Brakiri joined Sheridan's forces and fought the Shadows.

Centauri - As the Cenauri civilization grew on their homeworld they begin to compete in resources with another race called the Xon. The Centauri finally exterminate the Xon race after years of wars. For hundreds of years the Centauri Empire expanded, controlling a great portion of the known galaxy. By the time it first encountered Earth in the 22nd century the Centauri had begun to decline and their empire began to shrink. By the middle of the 23rd century the Centauri were forced out of Narn space. After the death of their Emperor in 2259 the Centauri launched another invasion and conquer the Narns. By using weapons like mass drivers they force the Narns to surrender. They ally themselves with the Shadows who use the Centauri to spread chaos and attack some of the other races. After the destruction of their main city on Z'ha'dum, the Shadows moved many of their ships onto an island on Centauri Prime. The Centauri people's power base is structured around their family's houses and their status is shown by the height of their hair-crest. 

Dilgar - A race of ruthless militaristic aliens that began invading Narn territories and the Non Aligned Worlds in 2230. They were led by the war criminal Jha'dur who committed countless acts of cruelty with her medical experiments on the races they enslaved. She destroys entire planets including wiping out the population of an entire planet with the disease Staffords Plague. The last of the Dilgar were thought to have perished when their sun went nova. Jha'dur was taken in by the Minbari Windsword clan where she made terrible weapons to be used by the warrior caste in the Earth-Minbari War. She was later killed by a Vorlon ship.

Drakh - The Drakh have served the Shadows for centuries. In the distant past, probably around the time of the Shadow War 1000 years ago the Drakh invaded many worlds and came into contact with the Centauri. After the Shadows went beyond the Rim the Drakh and the other servants of the Shadows left Z'ha'dum before the planet was destroyed. They relocated to Centauri Prime where they planted keeper symbionts on many of the leaders. After a failed invasion of Earth using a Shadow planet-killer the Drakh infected Earth with a plague that would wipe out the human race within five years. The plague was later cured and the Drakh eventually driven off of Centauri Prime.

Drazi - One of the younger races, the Drazi are known to support raiders who prey on the planets on the edge of their territory. Every five years, the Drazi separate at random into two opposing factions, which then combat each other in order to determine the new leader. All Drazi are hermaphroditic; each carrying attributes of both male and female. The Drazi allied themselves temporarily with the Shadows in a vain attempt to withstand attacks by the Centauri into their territory. The Drazi later joined in the war against the Shadows.

The First Ones - A generalized term for beings that came into existence several billion years ago. The first being to come into existence was Lorien. The first races to come into existence were eternal beings but as time went on and more and more beings came into existence they began to have finite existences. Other races of First Ones include the Vorlons, Shadows and the Walkers of Sigma 957. The First Ones cared and nurtured the younger races, though in some cases manipulated them on a genetic level for their own purposes. A million years ago many of the First Ones left this galaxy, exploring beyond the rim never to return. The Vorlons, Shadows and a few others remained as did Lorien who remained beneath the surface of Z'ha'dum. 10,000 years ago The Vorlons and the remaining First Ones went to war with The Shadows, defeating them and driving them back to Z'ha'dum. After this war many of The First Ones went into hiding or going about their own business.

Gaim - Insect-like race that is a member of the League of Non Aligned Worlds. The Gaim are a patriarchal society ruled over by a Queen. The Gaim require special breathing apparatus and can only communicate by using a special translator device.

Human - The humans, like many of the other races were subjected to genetic manipulations by Vorlons in the distant past. Some humans were taken at various times to the Vorlon homeworld and kept in suspended animation until they were needed for various tasks. In 1947 a Vree ship is hit by a lightning strike and crashes near Roswell, New Mexico. Ten years later the Soviet Union's launch of the Sputnik satellite begins the space race. In the mid 21st century the Vorlon's begin introducing the telepath gene into human DNA resulting in powerful telepaths being born. In the late 21st century a India-Pakistani conflict drives Earth into World War III. After that war the Earth Alliance is founded in Geneva. In the early 22nd century the government begins programs to register and track telepaths this will lead to the creation of the Psi Corps. In the mid 22nd century Earth makes contact with the Centauri, who begin trade relations with Earth selling them more advanced technology. It was through the Centauri that the humans began using jumpgate technology to explore beyond their solar system. In 2232 Earth joins the war against the Dilgar. The Earthforce ship Prometheus has a disastrous first contact with a Minbari cruiser killing the head of the Minbari Grey Council. This began the Earth-Minbari War in which over a quarter of a million humans were killed. After the destruction of the Minbari war cruiser the Black Star the Minbari battle the humans all the way back to the Sol system. The humans mobilized every last ship that could fly to engage the Minbari invasion fleet at the Battle of the Line. The Earth Alliance ships were quickly overwhelmed by the Minbari forces. In the attack the ship of squadron leader Jeffrey Sinclair was captured and Sinclair was scanned, the results of which led to the Minbari surrendering. In the hopes of promoting peace between the races the humans commissioned the building of the first of the Babylon space stations. Over the next 10 years five Babylon stations were built, the first 3 destroyed by saboteurs, the fourth disappeared soon after becoming operational. But it would be the final station, Babylon 5 that would become a focal point in the Shadow War. In 2251 The Food Riots occur on Mars and are violently put down by the Earth government and a provisional government is established. Babylon 5 finally comes on line in 2256 with Jeffrey Sinclair in command. Luis Santiago was assassinated in a conspiracy that overthrows the government and puts Vice President Clark in power. Under the leadership of Clark, the Earth Alliance utilizes the Psi Corps and new agencies like the Ministry of Peace and the Nightwatch to maintain their power. Clark's administration abolishes freedom of speech and enacts martial law forcing the outer colonies and Babylon 5 to declare independence. As an independent entity Babylon 5 becomes the center of an army of light to fight against the Shadows. Led by Sheridan the various alien raced formed a single alliance that struck at the Shadows. Sheridan struck at the heart of the Shadows by nuking their city on Z'ha'dum. 

Hyach - One of the older current races, possibly older than the Minbari. The Hyach view telepathy as completely normal. Thus, they do not regulate them as the humans do. The Hyach evolved in parallel with another race known as Hyach-do. 1200 years ago he Hyach enacted laws of genetic cleansing with which they eventually completely exterminated the Hyach-do. Centuries later the Hyach discovered that they were genetically linked with the Hyach-do, and without the Hyach-do the Hyach find their own race slowly dying.

Markab - One of the older races, probably not as old as the Minbari. The Markab joined the Minbari and the Vorlons in the last Shadow War 1000 years ago. Not long after the war a devastating plague hits the island of Drafa on the Markab homeworld killing the island's inhabitants. That plague resurfaces centuries later and wipes out the entire Markab race. There are few existing Markab, only those that were isolated from the general population survived the plague and those are too few tocreate an effective and lasting gene pool.

Minbari - The Minbari are one of the oldest current races. For a few thousand years the Minbari have developed three separate castes: Warrior, Worker and Religious. For generations these castes fought each other. 1000 years ago the Minbari joined in a war against the Shadows. During this war, their greatest leader Valen appeared, brining with him a great base to use in the Shadow War. It is around this time that Minbari sould began to be reincarnated into the human race. Valen created the Grey Council and the Anla'shok (Rangers) uniting the Minbari and helped turn the tide of battle against the Shadows. Valen becomes a great prophet, fortelling many things that will come to pass 1000 years later. 900 years ago Valen disappears never to be seen again though the Minbari still hope for his return. A Minbari ship, carrying the Grey Council is mistakenly attacked by an Earth ship beginning the Earth-Minbari War. Despite a single loss in battle of their flagship the Black Star, the Minbari defeated the Earth forces time and again beating the humans back to their solar system. The Minbari engaged the humans in one last desperate battle of the war. The Battle of the Line was to be a decisive victory for the Minbari but they suddenly surrendered and pulled back their forces. The warrior caste was enraged at being ordered to surrender and resentment toward the religious caste began. The leader Sineval was so enraged by the order to surrender that he took his own life. In 2259 the warrior caste take control of the Grey Council forcing Delenn to break the council and takes many of those who believe in the cause to fight in the Shadow War.

Narn - The Narn are one of the younger races. They were a simple agrarian society until 1000 years when the Shadows came to their world and set up a base there. The great Narn religious leader G'Quan wrote about the great enemy in his holy book. The book also tells about the slaughter of all the Narn telepaths by the Shadows. G'Quan and the few surviving Narn telepaths are able to drive the Shadows from Narn back to Z'ha'dum. The planet remains in relative peace until the early 22nd century when the Centauri arrive and enslave the Narn population. Despite their limited involvement in the war with the Shadows 1000 years before, the Narn had remained a relatively primitive culture. The Narn created a strong resistance movement, capturing the Centauri technology and using it ageist them. After over 100 of Centauri rule, the Narn force the Centauri from their territory. The Dilgar also begin invading and experimenting on them with cruel scientific and medical tests. In 2259 the Narns are again invaded by Centauri forces. After many months of war the Narns are defeated by the Centauri and Shadow forces. The Centauri used mass drivers to bomb the Narn homeworld. The Narn ruling body the Kha'Ri are forced to surrender and are executed, all but G'Kar who was given sanctuary on Babylon 5. 

Pak’ma'ra - A race of carrion eaters. They can only eat certain types of meat which seems to be regulated by a strict religious belief. Pak'ma'ra culture is based on the idea that they are superior to all other races. They eat carrion in part to reflect this notion since they do not eat their own kind. They are also technology scavengers. 

Shadows - The Shadows are one of the younger members of the First Ones. They are ant-like in appearance and can cloak themselves to remain unseen in their travels. After the other First Ones left the galaxy the Shadows remained close to Z'ha'dum waiting to serve Lorien. The Shadows began to believe that races evolve through constant conflict and this ideology comes into conflict with the Vorlons. 10,000 years ago The Vorlons and the remaining First Ones went to war with The Shadows, defeating them and driving them back to Z'ha'dum. 1000 years ago the Shadows began another great war and are defeated by several races including the Vorlons, the Minbari and the Markab. The Shadows, losing the war, hide their ships by burying them on distant worlds throughout the galaxy. They remain in hiding for 1000 years until finally, slowly regrouping their forces. The Shadows use the Centauri and other races as their tools to spread chaos across the Galaxy. The Vorlons finally returned in force to attack the Shadows along with organized attacks led by a coalition of worlds. Captain Sheridan of Babylon 5 struck a huge blow by nuking the Shadows main city on Z'ha'dum forcing the Shadows to spread their forces out among many worlds as they did before. The Shadows stationed many of their ships on an island on Centauri Prime.

Soul Hunters - A race of beings that has existed for over a million years. They go about collecting the souls of important beings, sometimes whole races before they die off. The Soul Hunters abide by strict rules pertaining to the collection of souls. Only taking a soul in the moments prior to its death.

Streib - An alien race that serves the Shadows. The Streib capture other races to perform experiments on them before invading their territories. They developed organic thought control devices to control other beings. They tried to experiment on Minbari and the Minbari retaliated chasing the Streib back to their homeworld. 

Techno-Mages - A race of beings called the Taratimude allied themselves with the Shadows who gave them advanced technology that was placed inside their bodies. The Taratimude eventually learned the purpose of the Shadow technology and the control the Shadows have over them. The Taratimude eventually die off but The Circle that had been formed many years before brought in other races to become Techno-Mages. Knowing that the Shadows were on the move again the Techno-Mages left and went into hiding until the conflict has ended.

Vorlon - The Vorlons are one of the younger members of the First Ones. One and a half million years ago the Vorlons accidentally opened a doorway into another dimension. The portal would have allowed a telepathic alien race to conquer this dimension. The Vorlons were able to defeat this race but the portal was lost in hyperspace. The Vorlons belive that races evolve through control and order which puts them in conflict with the chaotic actions of The Shadows. 10,000 years ago The Vorlons and the remaining First Ones went to war with The Shadows, defeating them and driving them back to Z'ha'dum. 1000 years ago the Vorlons, along with other races including the Minbari and the Markab battle and defeat the Shadows. After the war the Vorlons withdraw into their territory and remain secluded for 1000 years. Finally in the year 2287 the Vorlons sent a representative to Babylon 5. Upon arriving at the station Ambassador Kosh was poisoned. This event almost started another war but the Ambassador was cured and the situation ended. Kosh worked with Captain Sheridan to prepare him for the task ahead. But it was Sheridan who finally influenced Kosh to bring the Vorlon fleet in against the Shadows. As the Shadow War progressed and Sheridan nuked the Shadow city on Z'ha'dum, the Vorlons became more aggressive in their tactics against the Shadows. 

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