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Grech Quotes v.

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-"The mafia people were really nice. You can really do business with those people.... so I go in, and I'm sure I'm going to get conked as soon as I sit down...but I figured I could run faster than them."

-"I'm just a history teacher... I don't deal with the past."

-"Don't be distracted by the facts of the case!"

-"Margaret Sanger was all about BIRTH CONTROOOOOOOOOOOL!"

-"If the Supreme Court giveth, the Supreme Court can taketh away."

-"Can we move on? I really don't care about 95 pound boy wrestlers."

-"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm publishing a list of good stuff....it's books and things."

-This administration has broken more laws than you can shake a stick at."

-"There's a nice, hot shower in the coach's room."

-"How can you hold me accountable if you're hiding behind speakers."

-"Anyone born on this soil; white, black, or purple, is a citizen."

-"Trust me, I'm a trained professional."

-"Don't tell me whatever, I'm telling you the answer"

-"Black slaves should be best friends with poor white guys"

-"This outline could be a top scoring essay. Dammit Daniel!"

-"Its not every day that someone comes in and says 'I hear you are the shit.'"

-"Whatever you do, don't call people the f word."

-"Guys, can we move beyond the burrito example, please?"

-"Will you just bang on the space bar? Just bang."

-"Sanchez, don't sleep in my class. Cruz, don't throw things at Sanchez for sleeping in my class."

-"Has anyone been in the TP section lately? I just look at all and have a nervous breakdown....and you can choose what TP works for you."

-"I feel embarrassed about homeless people."

-"Wevolution. Can you imagine teaching with a speech impediment? That would be horrible."

-"500 dollars? The kid is two feet tall."

-"My first pizza cost me one robot."

-"Our economy is very heavy on the pizza side."

-"It's Karma? "That is soo West County."

E-mail me with questions, comments, or Grech Quotes of your own!

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