Hgeocities.com/greek_jokes/GreekHeavenAndHell.htmlgeocities.com/greek_jokes/GreekHeavenAndHell.htmldelayedxmJOKtext/htmlT'b.HThu, 05 Sep 2002 13:55:39 GMTwMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *mJ GreekHeavenAndHell
Greek Heaven and Hell
Three married couples, one Jewish, one Irish, and one Greek, all die on the same day and arrive at the gates of Heaven.
St. Peter asks the Jewish man why he deserves to be in Heaven. He replies, "I've been a pious Jew all my life, I attended synagogue every Saturday, and I raised a lot of money for Jewish causes."  "And what is your wife's name?", St. Peter asks. "Penny", the man replies. "Penny?!", shouts St. Peter. "You Jews are all alike. Money, money, money. You even married a woman whose name has to do with money! Get out of my sight! You are damned to Hell!"
Then St. Peter asks the Irishman why he deserves to be in Heaven. "I've been a devout Catholic throughout my life, attended church every Sunday, and always gave generously to the collection plate." "And what's your wife's name?", St. Peter asks. "Brandy", the Irishman replies. "Brandy?!! You Irish are all alike. Drink, drink, drink. You even married a woman whose name is a type of alcohol. Get out of my sight! You are damned to Hell!"
With that, the Greek guy turns to his wife and says, "Fanny, I think we have a problem..."