Pronunciation: huh-fes'-tuhs
Roman Name:  Vulcan
God of fire, espeacilly blacksmith's fire & Volcanos
Place of Association: 
Mount Etna (on the island of Sicily)
Son of:
Wife:  Aphrodite
Sexual Affairs & Children:
Aglaea, Anticlia (Periphetes), Aphrodite, the earth (Erichthonius), Charis, unkown (Ardalus), unkown (Palaemon)
    After Zeus had given birth to Athena, Hera became angry and decided to bear a child of her own.  And thus brought foreth Hephaestus.  Hephaestus was the only one of the Olympian Gods to be born physcially ugly.  He was so ugly that after his birth, Hera threw him from Olympus causing him a deformed leg.  He was then rescued by the Nerieds and taken to the island of Lemnos to be nursed.  They took him in and cared for him and as he grew older, he began making jewels and other fine arts for his surrogant mothers.  When Hera saw Thetis wearing such beautiful jewelry, she demanded to know where it was from.  When she learned that her own son had made such beautiful items, it made her forget about his apperance.  She then offered him a home on Mt. Olympus, but still angery with his mother, Hephaestus rejected.  Zeus then sent his son Dionysus to make the god become drunk.  After doing this, Hephaestus agreed to come to Olympus.  There, Hera apoligized for her foul treatings and Hephaestus then took home underground where he could continue his works in crafts.
Zeus awarded Hephaestus the beautiful goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, as his wife.  Being since that Zeus felt as if she would cause too much contriversy between the other gods.  This made Aprodite very unhappy and continuly had many affairs