Vital Signs by Vanessa Ayukawa
The Norman Osborn / Green Goblin Shrine

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Norman Osborn + Spiderman related links

Iam still searching... Ohoho. If you have a related link, please submit. A Harry Osborn x Peter Parker Shrine. A really well down site with information on both boys, comic scans, rants and raves on Parker's women and bad!fanfics plus, fanart and lots of it. Hands down worth a visit. Tell her I sent you! Despite the looks of the URL, it's a really great site with a preeeeeeeeety Green Goblin layout. And she's got fics!!!!! Norman Osborn fics!!!! Please read and beg her to write more, she's got a real inslight on Norman. An unoffical Spiderman page with more information that would keep you busy for a long while. A must visit! This is called the Daily Bugle and they host lots of differnt comic reviews. So if you into a variety of comic series, this is a good page for many reads. A Goblin page!!! A little disoraganized and hard to navigate but still worth a visit for all those rants and raves. Visit and read!! has a spiderman section with not that many fics but some gems in their collection. Iam suprised at the small, SMALL amount of Spiderman fics. But then again I've been spoiled by larger fandoms... A bizarre but pretty interesting site on the Osborns, with pics, fics and a damn great layout. Check this page out, much laughs. Iam having far to much fun with this one! A shrine devoted to Norman and The Goblin. Nice to see another one up. They have pictures I haven't seen before. And some great information. So off, you go!

2002 (c) Vanessa Ayukawa / all rights reserved to respective owners, unless indicated. / any unauthorized usage is strictly prohibited and illegal. / any unauthorized email to maintainer is welcomed. / if you steal it. everyone will know. and they'll tell me. / email me ->