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Acid Rain...

In 1863 the first of the Alkali Acts were introduced to try to limit the damage to vegetation in the neighbourhood of British alkali manufacturers. This legislative action was taken to compel alkali makers to condense the hydrochloric acid gases given off in the manufacture of sodium carbonate for soaps, etc. from "New Universal Encyclopedia"

from: "THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE ENVIRONMENT" by The Rene Dubos Center for Human Environments. aR & W Eblen (Editors).

Acid rain is the deposition of airborne acids, not just in rain, but also in snow, fog, and dry acidic particles. The primary source of acid rain is burning of coal and oil in electrical powerplants, industrial boilers, and internal combustion engines. Fossil fuel burning produces sulfur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx,). In the atmosphere, SO2, and NOx, react chemically with ozone and other compounds to form sulfuric and nitric acids - the acids in acid rain.

Before SO
2, and NOx fall to earth as acids, however, they can be carried by wind for hundreds of miles. Thus, acid rain may originate in one state, region, or nation, and fall in another. Roughly half of Canada's acid rain comes from the U.S., and 80% of Scandinavia's acid rain comes from elsewhere in Europe. Natural, unpolluted rain can contain small amounts of organic acids or windblown alkali dust, and thus typically has a pH ranging from 4.9 to 6.5. However, downwind of major industrial regions ~ such as the American midwest ~ average rainfall is often 10 -100 times more acidic (pH 4.5 to 4). Individual acid storms can be over five times more acidic (0.7 pH unit lower) than these long-term averages.

There is clear evidence that acid rain causes biological damage in acid-sensitive lakes and streams. Small changes in the balance between acids and bases in stream and lake water can cause large changes in pH. Many aquatic organisms lose the ability to absorb and retain sodium in low-pH waters. Acid waters also often have high concentrations of dissolved aluminum, which disrupts organisms' salt balances and interferes with gill function. Often, reproductive failure occurs before direct damage to adult fish. Less conspicuous organisms, notably amphibians and aquatic invertebrates, often succumb first to acidification. Therefore, although disappearance of large sport fish is one of the most visible effects of acidification, it is not a good early warning indicator.

Small changes in acid loading, and thus lake acidity, may make lakes uninhabitable for many species. Even in waters that are not chronically acidic, organisms may be threatened by short-lived acid pulses that occur when spring snowmelt or intense rainstorms flush acids through the watershed faster than they can be neutralized. Other lakes may be naturally acidic, because they have high concentrations of organic acids. Organisms living in such waters are adapted to their chemistry ~ in contrast, organisms living in acid-sensitive, but unacidified, waters may not survive the chemical changes that result from acidification.

Lakes and streams receiving the same acid rain may be too acidic for fish, or may be habitable, depending on how well their watersheds neutralize acids. Lakes and streams in watersheds with sedimentary bedrock will usually not be acidic, because most sedimentary rocks contain carbonate minerals, which dissolve rapidly to buffer (neutralize) acids. In contrast. watersheds underlain by igneous and metamorphic rocks (which contain little or no carbonate minerals) can be moderately or highly acid-sensitive. The acid sensitivity of these watersheds is determined by how much buffering capacity is stored in their soils. This, in turn, depends on how rapidly alkaline chemicals are released by mineral weathering. Acid rain may damage some lakes, while having little effect on others in the same region, due to local geological differences.

A direct link has not been established between acid rain and forest dieback in the U.S., except for forests on mountainsides that are frequently bathed in highly acidic clouds and fogs. In some European forests, acid rain may be contributing to forest dieback by leaching nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium from soils. Forest dieback probably results from a combination of stresses, including climate, drought, acid rain, ozone, and other air pollutants. A simple, direct relationship between acid rain and forest health is therefore difficult to prove.

Acid rain itself probably has little direct effect on human health, but it may indirectly create health risks for some people. For example, as water becomes more acidic, it becomes more corrosive; thus acidification may accelerate leaching of lead from pipes and solder, leading to higher concentrations of lead in drinking water (although most community water supplies add alkaline chemicals to drinking water to control corrosion). Similarly, coal combustion - which leads to acid rain also releases mercury, and lake acidification converts mercury to its toxic methyl form. Thus, some people who routinely eat fish from acidified lakes could be exposed to high levels of methyl mercury. Furthermore, the same combustion processes that cause acid rain also generate ozone, airborne paiticulates, and acidic aerosols, all of which are potentially hazardous when inhaled. Therefore, measures to control acid rain may benefit human health, even if acid rain itself does not directly make people sick.

Emissions of SO2 and NOx, the building blocks of acid rain, can be reduced by switching to low-sulfur coal and oil supplies, chemically or physically cleaning sulfur from coal and oil before combustion, mixing powdered limestone with the fuel during combustion, or using "scrubbers" to remove SO2 and NOx from flue gases after combustion. NOx emissions can also be controlled by lowering the combustion temperature or restricting the supply of oxygen. SO2 and NOx emissions can also be cut through energy conservation. Energy efficient light bulbs and refrigerators, for example, reduce electricity demand and thus reduce acid rain, usually at lower cost than other technical solutions. Where acid rain cannot be adequately controlled, individual acid lakes can be neutralized by repeated additions of crushed limestone. This usually permits some fish to return, but does not restore the lakes' original pre-acidification chemistry or biology.

Now that scientists generally agree on the causes and effects of acid rain, the political debate has shifted from whether a problem exists at all, to whether it is a problem worth solving and, if so, who should pay the cost. The environmental costs of acid rain (and thus the benefits expected from controlling it) are potentially large but highly uncertain, while the costs of emission control are both substantial and highly certain. Some people still maintain that we should not control acid rain unless we are sure that it is economically worthwhile to do so. Others contend that emission control is cheap insurance against potentially widespread, insidious, and irreversible environmental damage. This viewpoint has apparently been persuasive. In the mid 1980s, Canada and seventeen European countries jointly agreed to reduce their SO2 emissions by 30%, in an ultimately successful attempt to pressure Britain and the US to make similar reductions. In the U.S., the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments signaled the end of a decade of political indecision, mandating 40% cuts in emissions from 1980 levels.

Now that commitments have been made to reduce the emissions that cause acid rain, there is a growing sense of optimism that the acid rain problem will be solved. This complacency may be premature. Drastic reductions in acid deposition can reverse the acidification of lakes, streams, and forest soils, but there is growing evidence that the proposed reductions will be too small for many ecosystems to recover. Restoring fish habitat in some Norwegian streams, for example, may require cutting emissions by 80% or 90%, far beyond any reductions now planned.

Dealing with acid rain will require ongoing scientific work and political commitment, long after its novelty as an environmental issue has faded. Although field data show that rainfall acidity is now declining in many regions, it remains - and will remain for the foreseeable future - far higher than natural levels. If it remains high enough to leach away buffering capacity from acid-sensitive watersheds faster than geochemical processes can resupply it, long-term progressive acidification of some lakes, streams, and soils will continue even as rainfall acidity declines. There is little indication that acid rain, or its effects, will simply, go away.

For Further Reading: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, Acidic Deposition: State of Science and Technology (1990); James L. Regens and Robert Rycroft, The Acid Rain Controversy (1988); David W.Schindler, "Effects of acid rain on freshwater ecosystems" Science (1988).

"GREEN BATHTUB" was built in April 2002 by K van Riel*- estaria13@yahoo.com.au
Content supplied by C van Riel- greenbathtub@yahoo.com.au