Other Facts


A.Archaic Period
1.1st period of known history, began 3100bc.
2.First king: Narmer

B.Old Kingdom
3.2nd period began, 2686bc.
4.This is when pyramid building and trade began.

C.Middle Kingdom-1570bc
5.Age of many acomplishments.
6.Many famous pharaohs: Tut; Ramses 11 and 111
7.Egypt was conquered in 332 bc by Alexander the Great.

The Nile

8.Flows north from the tropical highlands for over 4000 miles to the Mediterranean Sea.
9.Ends in delta: not moving water.
10.Most civilization occured in last 500 miles.
11.River flooded every year, providing irrigation and fertilizer, to cross, and keeping farmers from working feilds, so they could build pyramids.