This is my site. It doesn't have a theme really, it might eventually. It's just my own little place where I can keep a collection of things I enjoy. If you have somehow stumbled across this site, maybe you can find something you enjoy as well. Or at least find a good site that I have linked. Well, onward and forward, then...wait....


June 27, 2004 - with Hp:POA coming out there have beena flood of good dan pics so i've gone into another icon making phase. this could be bad ^-^' just added 13 new dan icons, 2 new harry icons, 2 new draco icons and 1 new ron icon. and some new fanlistings ^-^

March 14, 2004 - look, look how purty, i'm not all done yet, but thanks to chris (since i am horribly illerate in these things sometimes) i finally have the layers and iframe working right. yay! ^-^

March 13, 2004 - playing with the layout and i have yet to master it all. so. um, bear with me.

November 16, 2003 - Made a page for my buttons under my creations, added a fifth page of quizzes

November 15, 2003 - Well I went through all of the quiz pages. I put them into pages with 10 each so that they load faster and added a drop down menu ^-^ Also I have been going through all of my fanlistings, adding, deleteling, fixing links, etc. but many of the links are still broken because thefanlistings.org is down so i couldn't fix them....o well

August 24, 2003 - School starts back up tomorrow. Where did the summer go? ;_; Well, anyways new icons-14 to be exact. 11 orli icon, 2 sirius/padfoot icons and 1 johnny depp icon.

August 21, 2003 - It has been a long time since i updated and now i still dont even have much to put up, but I was away for a week so you can't blame me too much. There is a Will Turner icon, a Sean Biggerstaff icon, 2 Johnny Depp icons, and 5 Arcana icons (3 Caine and 2 Vincent).

July 25, 2003 - Long day today. My friends' party got postponed until tomorrow, but i got off volunteering today so i have to volunteer tomorrow. i am going to miss the party anyway...shit! ok well updates...LOTS of new icons! ^-^ over 30 johnny depp icons, i think about 20 some orli icons now, and some other random ones (dan, rhys, and anime)...i have too much time....i made a bunch of buttons too, maybe I should make a page for those too, hmm

July 16, 2003 - I love my site. I love working on my site. That is to say I love making layouts ^-^ That seems to be the only time I update my site...when I make want a new layout, but the plus is that each layout gets better and better. yay! I stuck with normal frames; no i-frames this time. Which I hink was a good choice. o, btw, that is Johnny Depp in the corner up there ^-^ ...yeah, that's is it for now

June 27, 2003 - I did some construction. I like I how things are laid out now, more than how it was before. Glad I got rid of the old wallpaper too. Ugh, what was I thinking with wallpaper; I knew better. O well, it is gone now. I went through all the quotes, quizzes, and links and condensed them. I added new links, manga icons for Kodocha and Arcana, and fun pics in my creations.

If you for some reason feel the need to contact me go ahead and do so at
I always enjoy non-spam mail