ðHgeocities.com/greendragon1420/AskDumbledore.htmgeocities.com/greendragon1420/AskDumbledore.htm.delayedx2qÔJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈЙŒé+OKtext/html€èTý'é+ÿÿÿÿb‰.HMon, 04 Aug 2003 01:06:58 GMTºMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *1qÔJé+ Ask Dumbledore, Yeah (I'll Tumble 4 Ya by Culture Club)

Ask Dumbledore, Yeah (I'll Tumble 4 Ya by Culture Club)

Muggles struggle
To ignore magic beings
But social workers 
How could they miss this scene?
Why leave the baby
At Dursley’s door?
He’s got a godfather who 
Loves him more
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, do
Dark Lord sends dreams
Into the boy’s head
Hm, you say. 
Why not tell him
That Voldemort works that way?
Why hand him over
To Professor Snape? 
The boy ain’t gonna trust a 
Teacher he hates
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, do
I get a crazy feeling 
With these five books I’ve read
Old Dumbledore is playing God
In spite of what the author’s said
He may mean very well 
He puts Harry through hell 
I mean
Why leave poor Harry
At Number Four
When his godfather had
Got there before?
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, yeah
Ask Dumbledore, do