Cleo Got Run Over by the EL Train

Note ~ Okay, well, we are warning you now, if you have any soft spot for the character of Cleo Finch, please do not read this. And, if by some unknown reason, you choose to, don’t crowd our mailbox with e-mails condemning us. You were warned. This song really isn't a representation of our feelings at this present junction in time. It was written not taking into account the events in season seven. It was written when Cleo was a widely hated character, and we hated her as well. She now appears to be a bit more tolerable, at least in our eyes, and although we don’t love her, we don’t feel this way any longer. But we felt it that it was too damn funny to not put up!

Disclaimer ~ The tune of the song and the characters mentioned are not ours.

~*~ This song is sung to the tune of Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer. ~*~

Special Thanks ~ Big thank you to Kevin and Sara, without whom this song would not have been written and a whole lot of fun would not have been had. We are both very appreciative of you!

Cleo got run over by the EL Train,

Walking home from county Christmas Eve.

You can say there’s no such thing as miracles,

But as for me and Carter, we believe.

She was way to mean and nasty,

She’d been insensitive and cold.

Cause she forgot to take her MIDOL.

And she staggered out the doors into the snow.

When we found her minutes later,

Lying lifeless on the track,

There were crowds of people starring.

Someone obviously pushed her from the back.

Cleo got run over by the EL Train,

Walking home from County Christmas Eve.

You can say there’s no such thing as miracles.

But as for me and Carter, we believe.

It’s so different without Cleo,

No wait, it’s pretty much the same.

Except for people are more cheerful,

And there’s no more kids for her to put in pain.

Now, we’re all so proud of Peter,

He’s been taking this so well.

See him jumping on her body,

Shouting obscenities and screaming burn in hell.

Cleo got run over by the EL Train,

Walking home from County Christmas Eve.

You can say there’s no such thing as miracles.

But as for me and Carter, we believe.

Now the doctors are assembled,

And there’s Kerry with her cane.

They are planning out her service,

Deciding exactly what to do with her remains.

I’ve warned Abby, Mark, and Luka,

Better watch out for you’re lives.

Cleo could come back to haunt you,

As a ghost with PMS, and real bad vibes.

Cleo got run over by the EL Train,

Walking home from County Christmas Eve.

You can say there’s no such thing as miracles.

But as for me and Carter, we believe.

But as for me and Carter,

We believe!

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