ðHgeocities.com/greeneyedblonde62/Billy.htmlgeocities.com/greeneyedblonde62/Billy.htmldelayedxqÔJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈÀÀŒÜOKtext/htmlp1Uý'Üÿÿÿÿb‰.HThu, 21 Sep 2006 21:01:08 GMTfMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qÔJÜ Pets.

Pets, past and present.

Billy the Kid.

Soft touch continues! The pet shop I have been helping in is likely to close at Christmas and so, with animals no longer looking cute and cuddly, homes were needed. People are fickle – they wont buy anything that isn’t really young. I can’t understand why. I wanted to take this lad home from the moment he arrived - either him or his brother! He was my “wages” for this week - and I am truly delighted. I also had a good discount on a large pen with hutch, so he is quite safe!

Meet Billy. My neighbour thinks I am insane and that with the arrival of Teak a few weeks ago, then the 4 mice, I am in danger of creating a zoo in my back garden! So, as a joke, I said I was going to get a goat! They ARE kept as pets here. Anyhow, calling the rabbit Billy seemed to fit, especially as he is an Angora (dwarf, lop-ear). He is just 15 weeks old and so loving it is overwhelming! He loves being groomed and afterwards comes to me, puts his front feet on my shoulders and snuggles!

Having been groomed, Billy stayed on the bench enjoying the company and the spring sunshine. Everyone wanted a chance to cuddle him, so it was an eventful afternoon. Note Teak and Cherrie loitering in the background! They are befuddled by this fluffy incomer!

Just a few more loose tufts need removing! And a piece of hay . . .

Is there any coffee left?

This IS my best side!

Mmm, a freshly pulled snack, before I go back into my deluxe pen, with its lovely safe, warm hutch. I think I landed on all 4 paws!

Isn’t he just adorable? I never knew a rabbit could give so much love! And as for my neighbour? When he met “Billy the Angora kid”, he just melted and has promised ALL the choice tid-bits he can get, fresh from his veggie garden!

I think it is a case of love me, love my bunny now! He is very responsive and comes when I call him, which shows the bond is growing, after almost 8 weeks of care in the shop, prior to bringing him home to live! A good move all round, methinks!

A post script - sadly Billy contracted a virus which turned to pneumonia. Despite intervention from Scott, the Vet, he couldn't fight it and finally had to be eased to sleep on 21st Sept, 2006. Rest well, gorgeous boy, we'll miss you.
