Hgeocities.com/greeneyedblonde62/Lucky.htmlgeocities.com/greeneyedblonde62/Lucky.htmldelayedxqJ OKtext/htmlT' b.HThu, 07 Aug 2003 12:19:11 GMTkMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ Pets.

Pets, past and present.


Lucky came to New Zealand with three cats. Sadly in 2001 he was diagnosed with lymphoma and died in late August, 2002. Before he died he had a wonderfully exciting time, learning of his new home and meeting his new baby brother, Heath. He lives on in the hearts of all who knew and loved him.

Heath loved his new brother and followed him wherever he went. This was their first day together!

They both grew to love trips in the car. Basically if I went out, they came, right until the final two weeks of Lucky's life, when the excitement was too much for him.

Lucky looked after Heath right from the word go. This was a common sight wherever Lucky slept, Heath would be there, snuggled close

My parents sent Heath a toy. Lucky claimed it. Clearly he recalled visits to see them and the light-sensitive frog they had under the hall table, that would croak and annoy the heck out of him. This toy croaked and when he heard it, he claimed it and refused to let Heath near it until hed managed to get his own back, for the torment he suffered every time he went to No.10!

He always knew how to look cute! That line of freckles ought to have won him a prize.

He tried to show Heath that the sea was fun.

It really was a case of Me and my shadow!
