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Drunken Chronicles 4
November 6, 2003 Jen's 22nd B-Day...and wings nite...
Just another ordinary wings nite...except it was Jen's 22nd B-Day! SO of course we had to celebrate! We started off with a drink or two at the Bullfrog (finally had Disarrono)...then headed to Mangos for their $1 drink special...but all we had time for was to chug a Jager Bomb and Malibu and pineapple so we could head to the Cell in 10 minutes...but we made it before Midnite...and ran into Gabe, one of the funnest chicks to be around when drinking...she was there with Corey Brewer and Jimmy Vaughn...Jimmy's gonna marry Bekki...not! lol...3 guys ended up telling Jen that nite that they liked me...til she got pissed and told them to get some balls and tell me themselves...Jen's friend Nate's friend Steve tried to freakin take me to his house! I'm like woa, dont think so...that's a first for me! I ended cuddling up with Ricky...we wont even go on that subject...we took Gabe to Scheetz and ended up trading her off for Jimmy...and that's about all i remember...so i'll leave you with that...

November 13, 2003
Another wings nite...8 of us went...alot of ppl for us...Sherry, Bek, Jen, me, Ry, Jamie, Daryl, Shuback...But me, jen, and Bek had the most fun that nite...well at least i did...we headed to the Cell, as usual (no Mangos trip this time)...ran into quite a few ppl...Justin and Nate...Chad...Bubba!...it was great I was drunk, and I had no money! Justin bought me 2 drinks, Bubba 1, and Nate was supposed to buy me one, but he forgot so i drank most of his, whatever it was it was great! The greatest was when we took Chad home...he was fucking smashed...all he could say was, "mom, do you memember me?" like 20 times to the point where me, Sherry, Jen, and Bekki were getting quite annoyed...was still entertaining tho...Oh, and Bekki and Jen are gonna be naked flight attendants for Justin's friend, who's a pilot..I had no part in it whatsoever lol...i think he enjoyed us dancing together...dont think his wife would appreciate it tho if she was there..but she wasn't...so what she doesn't know wont hurt her,right? lol

November 20, 2003 Wings and Cell
So does a player ever admit that he's playing? That is the question of the nite...See, there's this guy named Ricky, who used to work at Weis...ran into him at the Cell Block a few months ago, and danced with him...gave him my number...he didn't call...till i bitched and he said he wasn't gonna call til a week after...i'm like whatever...anyway...supposedly he likes me...but...what do you do when he has a rep of playing girls and he tells you one thing and tells others another? You bitch. Ran into him tonite...and told him I really didn't want to deal with him cuz he's a player...of course he got offended and told me what was up...he did look me in the eye and told me that he liked me...and then he was all kissy and cuddly the rest of the nite...but is it sucking up? I dunno...but I bought it...for now...I'm still really in love with Todd tho...lol...It's like I do like Ricky...but for liking someone, I dont think about him too much...of course I think about my baby more...but if there are any players out there who are reading this and want to give me advice, go right ahead, cuz I def need it...

November 21, 2003. Manic returns once again!!!!
Omg...great nite, as usual....some freaking weird ass band named Fuzzy Bunny Slippers opened for Manic...I was tripping because Todd was nowhere to be found and the rest of the band was there...but...of course he showed! He had to work late...anyway...so for Stephenie to prove a point which is still not proven I wasn't allowed to say hi to Todd til he came to me...yeahh yeah he did, he put his arms around me and bought us a round of Jack...but still...I dont think he likes me like that...anyway...I was bad, as usual...being all slick...I told Steph all week that i was gonna wear his jacket...and i did...he was wearing it, and he's like "yeah i lost all this weight cuz of walking everyday" so, me, being slick as i am when i want to be, unzips his shirt to feel his stomach...then i decided to take his jacket off...i'm like "you dont need this, you'll get hot, and anyway, i'm cold" and he's like "you want my jacket?" while it's already off him lol...he walks away, and i go "Steph, i'm never taking this off, even if i sweat in it!" and it smelled sooo freakin good! lol...and of course i danced my ass off...did my usual goal of 8 drinks in an hour...i was toasty by the time jame, bek, and jen showed up...but you know the best part came later on...after the band was done i was talking to Todd, of course...Ry stuck around cuz we thought Steph left with my car...cuz Kurren was totally in love with her and i thought they ran off together...but they came back, ry left, and we were still chillin...i was all trying to put Todd's drums away, and he's like knock it off lol...M decides he wants to take a pic of me and Todd, so again i'll be on their website...M takes it and is like "it says 'cute' under it!" ok...then this dickhead bouncer kicks us out...todd's like we'll be at sheetz in 20 minutes...so i hug him and turn away...he goes "you better show cuz you have my jacket still!"
So Steph drives me car...we take Kurren home...they're all making out out my window. All I could say was "I'm glad I'm not sober cuz otherwise I'd be feeling real uncomfortable right now!" All i wanted to do was go to sheetz...and we did...waited for Todd...he show up with his buddy Joe...He's all ordering food and i walk up behind him and put my arms around him...and then...what i've been waitiing for forever...Todd asks if Steph and I are chilling at their hotel room...well, Steph wanted to go home, so she took my car, and i helped myself into Joe's...and even tho i only spent 2 hours with him cuz i had to fucking work at 7...it was the best 2 hours...I didn't make any moves since JOe was in the room, and I didn't know how Todd would feel about it...but we slept in the same bed...and I slightly remember Todd touching my thigh for some reason...and when i was about t get ballsy and put my arm around him, i look at my cell phone...and it was time to get up....what the hell...maybe next time...ppl say at this rate, i'll be with him soon haha yeah right...oh...and to Steph...i really hope he doesn't remember to sing Happy Bday to me the next time they're in town.....