Hgeocities.com/greeneyes121681/DrunkenChronicles7.htmlgeocities.com/greeneyes121681/DrunkenChronicles7.htmldelayedxqJE$:OKtext/htmlT'$:b.HWed, 07 Sep 2005 21:24:04 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *qJ$: DrunkenChronicles7
December 17th, 2004...The Day After My Bday Celebration @ The Cell Block...there was a reason why I went, but I dont remember....
Hm...Yeah, I drank once again...I went with Krissy and her bud from work...Jason and Adam showed up, too...Krissy took her bud home like wayy early and left me at the Cell, saying she'd pick me up at 2...I ended up hanging out with some dude named Shaun that Krissy knows...he was nice and all but a little overbearing...and his bud Tristan had the hots for Adam and we hooked them up and it was awesome at the time but it really turned out that she was highly annoying...Jason was mad once again that I wasn't paying much attention to him and therefore said he was sick and just up and left...Hm...omg!!!!! And, once again, I get hooked on someone in the band...It all starts here...
I was entering the Cell Block, and I was waiting to check my coat in...I was wearing a feather boa (what else is new)...and behind me was this cute guy sitting in the electric chair...he caught my attention and was like "can I see your boa?" I'm like sure why not he was wayy cute...He goes "I gotta wear this for one of my songs...do you mind?" I'm like "huh?" He's like "I'm in the band that's playing tonite." I'm thinking to myself oh jesus here we go again, another "Todd" incident...Anyway...I'm like ok, sure...So later on I was down in the Gallows with Jason and Adam...and I'm being all shy and stuff because I didn't drink enough (sad, isn't it?)...but anyway the guy was singing and he pointed at me to come over to him on stage...I hesitated and Adam pushes me and says "GO!!!!!!!" So I walk over, put the boa around dude's neck...and he's all smelling it and making googly eyes...then he puts it back around my neck...and gave me a wink...ahhhh hehe....When everything was done I told him that the band was awesome (same thing I did with Todd when I first met him)...and I asked if I could have a picture with him...we took it...then I somehow mentioned it was my bday the day before, and he wished me happy bday, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and a hug...then he gave me a piece of paper with their schedule on it and said to come by the Cell on January 28th, with that paper, and I'd get in for free...I really wanted to go but unfortunately I had no job and was poor...Eh, maybe it was for the best...I don't need to have another Musician Obsession....
Take me home!
Drunken Chronicles 6
June 17th, 2005...Drunk in Buxton w/Rhonda

Yeah so what turned into what I thought would be just a simple night of playing pool turned into a total chaotic night of drinking and pool.  It all starts when Rhonda calls me at work to ask if I wanted to play some pool that night at the Sandbar and Grille. I'm like, sure, sounds like fun!  I miss playing pool, I suck at it, but it's still fun.  So I head over to her house, chill for a bit, then we head over to the Sandbar.  I drive, because I figure then Rhonda could have a few drinks, no biggie.  Yeah, well, we get there, and she gets a beer, and she gets me a wine cooler (they don't serve hard liquor in bars down here) and we sit at a table by the pool table (we had to wait til others were done playing). So we talk for awhile, catch up, etc.  There are a few guys at the table next to us, around our age (well I'm 23, she's 31, you choose), enjoying some champagne. And this guy that looks really familiar pours us both some champagne. I'm like hell yeah! I like champagne! So we sip and talk some more.  Then the guy gives us more!  Time for us to play some pool.  I'm really uncomfortable, because everyone is watching, it seems...like, this 40some dude kept watching us (well, I think more like watching Rhonda), and trying to give me hints, cuz Rhonda was basically giving me pointers.  I don't aim by any means, I just point and shoot, I don't want to think too much about having fun, you know? Anyway, we end up playing a pair of guys, whom the one I recognized...he's a pool shark, and used to play at pool tournaments at the Sports Bar. Great. Rhonda's good, but I suck??? We played 3 games, I believe....we beat them at 2!!  And I, the shitty pool player, got 2 of the hardest shots in pool, and almost landed a third of the hardest on the 8 ball, which caused us to lose.  I was yelling and hollering, the middle aged guys were giving me high fives and congratulating me...and you know all that Rhonda did to help me? She goes "here, get this ball (she points at it) into this pocket (points at the pocket)" she didn't tell me what spot on the ball to aim for, or nothing, I just got it! Both bank shots, too.  I guess I play better when I'm getting tipsy (yeah, and I was DD???)  OH, and get this...Becky, a girl we work with, shows up, and yeah you know why that dude with the champagne looked familiar? It was her boyfriend!!
Eventually  we decided to head to the Sports Bar for more pool action.  I shouldn't have drove.  I wasn't horribly tipsy, but you know how I am about drinking and driving.  I decided that I was going to get drunk, fuck having to work early tomorrow and clean houses...So I drove to my house, got my contact stuff, and some clothes...drove to the Sports Bar...no one was there...but...we ran into the Pool Shark! He bought us a beer each.  Rhonda and I played a game of foosball, and left, headed back to the Sandbar.  She talked to the hottie bartender the whole time while I played those fun touch screen games bars always have...and I always play the "find the diff between these naked pics" game.  Nina, my friend, and Rhonda's babysitter, picked us up.  We had the windows down, blaring "Stand" by R.E.M., smoking cigarettes. 
We get home, and I'm mad hungry (drunken munchies, a common thing for me) and so, at 2ish in the morn, I'm standing in Rhonda's kitchen, scarffing down Spaghetti O's...and the funny thing? I don't care much for them, I like the cheapy kind better, but damn, were they good...and then I left them!  Nina and Rhonda tried to play Rummy, but I seriously think or function...Nina heads home...The hottie bartender showed up at 3ish maybe? Then I fell asleep...Working sucked the next day...
August 14th, 2005...Odetta's Birthday Get Together....
So Monday is Odetta's Birthday, and since everyone (me, George and the rest of the Lithuanians) had the day off Monday, they decided to have a little get together the night before to celebrate her birthday and drink.  Now me, knowing my experiences with Eastern Europeans before, knew what I was going to get myself into...What is the drink of choice for any Eastern European? VODKA.  Now, I truly, seriously was not planning on drinking, I really didn't feel like it, I really didn't want to get seriously hammered in front of George, and just, whatever.  But being the nice person I am (and wanting to spend every moment possible with my Baby) I show up, with a container of my Cherry Bombs in hand =D.  I come inside and see a bunch of snack foods at the table:seasoned tomato pieces, fruit, pretzels, chips, little hard salami sandwiches (for those who don't know, most Europeans, when making a sandwich, use only 1 slice of bread, not two), and a bottle of vodka.Ausra, Vilma, Gedas, Odetta, and George, all sitting around the table (it's a cirlce, how convenient), with a chair for me between George and Odetta.  I put my cherries down on the table, and sit.  George pours the first Vodka shot (by tradition, only a man is allowed to pour the shots), takes the shot, makes a horrible face, swigs some juice, pours a shot, and hands it to Ausra, the person next to him.  Eventually it goes around in a circle, til it gets to me.  I'm like, guys, I really don't want to drink.  Vilma goes "aww, so you can drink with the Slovaks, but not with us?"  Lol that did it.  I asked George if he had any lemon slices (I should've known all he had was a lime, he drinks Corona every night).So I cut up the lime, down the shot goes, and the lime goes in my mouth.I think George and Vilma were impressed that I took the whole shot and didn't make any faces, while my "strong" lol boyfriend next to me made faces the whole time.  Thank god for that lime!!!! So we go around and around, and although I'm sitting, I know I'm getting drunker by the shot.  Eventually we finish off the bottle of vodka, and Gedas brings out a bottle of Lithuanian Vodka. Now I get a little scared.European liquor, 9 times out of 10, is always stronger than American.  But down the hatch it goes.Ausra offers me a Bartyles and Jaymes wine cooler, and I take it, and start using it as my chaser (oops). Eventually, one by one, George, Ausra, and Vilma quit drinking...with me, Gedas, and Odetta remaining...and I don't remember how or why it happened, but all I remember is going outside, and laying on the deck, with George over me asking me if I need anything and if I'm ok...and I was.I felt a little sick, but I'm just used to dancing and walking around while I'm drinking.He's like you can dance I'm like no way.  Now, mind you...oh yeah! The cherries.  A bit too strong for everyone, but I was loving them ,for some reason.I learned to first, chew up the cherry in my mouth, then take a swig of juice, swallow the cherry, and take another swig of juice.  Very tasty.I'm sure that didn't help on top of who knows how many vodka shots.  George, the sweet thing that he is, runs in to get me a water, and then we go inside to go to floor (we sleep on the floor, not the bed, so it's going  to floor lol) anyway.So some stuff ha ppened, I was out of it,fell asleep, woke up in the midst of night feeling like I was going to puke and die, but went to the bathroom, went back in the bedroom, George was concerned cuz I was whining, but the next morning I was ok, so...who knows?? Lol so much fun to be drunk!
Drunken Chronicles 8