It's 5:30 in the morning, your blankets are all bunched up on your beloved's side of the bed, your nightgown is twisted up and wedged into embarrassing places, you're cold and cranky and it's too damn dark to see the snooze alarm. So you wing it - and knock the lamp off the nightstand, which fortunately takes the cord to the alarm clock with it. End of problem. Swinging your legs out of bed and hoping to find your slippers, instead you step into the half-digested remains of something that the cat fished out of the garbage can. And so you hop... and trip over the aforementioned cat. You know the kids will be up in a half hour, hollering to raise the dead about lost sneakers that somehow found their way under the couch cushions and only just now remembering three page homework assignments that were due yesterday. And your day begins. There's only one thing that's going to make you feel better. Food. Fooooooooooooood.