On Tuesday September 11, 2001 at roughly 8:45 a.m.
Our Nation and Our Freedom was Challenged.
We At the Greenfield Township Volunteer Fire Company dedicate this page to Our fellow Firefighters, Police Officers, Emergency Services Workers, SAR~K9, Military Personel and the Civilians of the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and American Airlines Flight 11 & Flight 77, United Airlines Fight 93 & 175.

On this Tuesday a huge number of our fellow Firefighters responded to this call of duty. Many of them gave up their lives for people they did not know. Some of these exchanges took place in the stairwells of the World Trade Center as our fellow Firefighters climbed their way to fight the flames.

To Paraphrase: JOHN 15:13 "No greater love has a man than he who would lay down his own life for his fellow man."

Let us never forget those who have gone before us in the Line of Duty. Because those brave souls have given all, it is up to us to always keep them alive in our hearts and our memories.

Our Sincerest Condolences and Heartfelt Sympathies go out to those who experienced tremendous loss.

Never in history have we lost so many of Our BRAVEST at one time. Firefighters across the nation and the world are pulling together as one big family to mourn the loss of their friends, colleagues, brothers and sisters.
I don't know one Firefighter in any Fire Department that would not throw his gear in his vehicle and head to New York right now if they were told they were needed.
Though we maybe miles away, we are there with you in spirit. Your tears are our tears, Our hearts have broken with your hearts. And Your pain is ours.

Our Prayers also go out to those who still so Bravely work to rescue and recover the victims. God Bless You and God Bless America.


When the Lord was creating Firefighters, he was into his sixth day of overtime when an Angel appeared and said, "you're doing alot of fiddling around on this one."

And the Lord said, "Have you read the specifications on this person? Firefighters have to be able ot to go for hours fighting fires or tending to a person that the usual everyday person would never touch, while putting in the back of their minds the circumstances. They have to be able to move at a second's notice and not think twice of what they are about to do, no matter what danger. They have to be in top physical condition at all times, running on half eaten meals, and they must have six pairs of hands."

The Angel shook her head slowly and said "Six pairs of hands...NO WAY!"

"It's not the hands that are causing me problems," said the Lord, "it's the three pairs of eyes a Firefighter has to have."

"That's on the standard model?" asked the Angel.

The Lord nodded. "One pair that sees through the fire and where they and their fellow firefighters should fight the fire next. Another pair here in the side of his head to see their fellow firefighters and keep them safe, and another pair of eyes in front so they can look for victims caught in the fire that need their help."

"Lord," said the Angel touching his sleeve, "Rest and work tomorrow."

"I can't," said the Lord, "I already have the model that can carry a 250 pound man down a flight of stairs and safety from the burning building, and can feed a family of five on a civil service paycheck."

The Angel circled the model of the firefighter very slowly. "Can it think?"

"You bet," said the Lord. "It can tell you the elements of a hundred fires and can recite procedures in their sleep that are needed to care for a person until they reached the hospital. And all the while they have to keep their wits about themselves. This firefighter also has phenominal self~control. They can deal with a scene full of pain and hurt,coaxing a child' mother into letting go of the child so that they can care for the child in need. And still they rarely get the recognition for a job well done from anybody, other than from fellow firefighters."

Finally the Angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the firefighter. "There's a leak," she pronounced. "Lord, it's a tear." "What's the tear for?" asked the Angel.

"It's a tear from bottled up emotions for fallen comrades. A tear for commitment to that funny piece of cloth called the American Flag. It's a tear for all the pain and suffering they have encountered. And it's a tear for their commitment to caring for and saving the lives of their fellow man!"

What a wonderful feature Lord! You're a Genius, " said the Angel.

The Lord looked somber and said, "I didn't put it there. "
In Memory of Fallen Firefighters

Brother when you weep for me
Remember that it was meant to be
Lay Me down and when you leave
Remember I'll be at your sleeve
In every dark and choking hall
I'll be there as you slowly crawl
On every roof in driving snow
I'll hold your coat and you will know
In cellars hot with searing heat
At windows where a gate you meet
In closets where young children hide
You know I'll be there at your side
The house from which I now respond
Is over staffed with heroes gone
Men who answered One Last Bell
Did the Job and did it well
As firemen we understand
That death's a card dealt in our hand
A card we hope we never play
But one we hold there anyway
That card is something we ignore
As we crawl across a weekened floor
For we know that we're the only prayer
For anyone that might be there
So remember as you wipe your tears
The joy I knew throughtout the years
As I did the job I loved to do
I pray that thought will see your you through.