Every year some members of our fire company, plus some other firefighters in the area get together on the third weekend in October and we all head to Fayetteville West Virginia for Bridge Day.
Bridge Day is unique in that it is the only day vistors may walk across the bridge. BASE jumpers are permitted to parachute off the bridge. Rappellers are allowed to desend and ascend fixed ropes. Vendors line both sides of the bridge selling stained glass crafts, shirts, photos, and refreshments. Bridge Day is West Virginia's largest one day festival. The first official Bridge Day was celebrated in 1980.
The New River Gorge Bridge is the world's longest steel arch bridge with a main span of 1,700 feet. At 876 feet above the New River the New River Gorge Bridge is the second highest bridge in the nation and the highest bridge east of the Mississippi.
Below there is some pictures of our firefighters whooping it up at Bridge Day.
Bob Barbarini , taken on the catwalk underneath the New River Gorge Bridge
Donnie Bement, rappelling off the Bridge. Donnie is the only double amputee that has rappelled of the Bridge.
Bob and Donnie relaxing before the trip home.
Bob Barbarini rappelling with the flag.
Frank Barnes, a firefighter with McKean Fire Company, in Erie County, Pennsylvania.
Training to do the bridge with Dad. This is a picture of Bob Barbarini with his son Travis when he was 11 wks old, taken at snake hole rappelling.
This was the group that went October 2000.
Back Row: Joe Reed,Eric Best, Karen Goettmann,  (all 3 firefighters of Cresent Hose Company), Bob Barbarini(firefighter with Greenfield), Annie Hamilton.
Front Row: Dawn Jones (firefighter with Jackson Center), Valerie Casler (firefighter with Greenfield)
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