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300 Jefferson Street * Greenfield, Ohio 45123
Telephone: 937-981-7777 Emergency: 911
Timothy W. Hester
Chief of Police
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Leesburg, Ohio
I've knew Tim for many years, back when we was in school, at first when you meet him he is a
very different person, but after you became friends with him, he would do anything to help
you out. He gave me a DUI years ago and if it wasn't for that, whos to say what would have
happen in my live, or who I would have killed while I was drunk. Thank you so much Tim, and
you are deeply missed by all.

Greenfield, Ohio
Tim held up to his word when it came to SERVE & PROTECT
thats for sure. He is greatly missed by all.

Raymond Garrison
Greeneville, Tennessee
Tim was a great guy as I knew him in school as well as later on when he joined the Police force. In his duties, he was honest,fair and open minded. As Sgt.Dunn stated, Tim was well known for his expertise with firearms, I watched him practice and was amazed at his ability (gift). I will never forget him and regret that I didn't write this much sooner.

Gabrielle Wilson
Dyersburg, Tennessee
I always liked Tim. I met him when I started dating his brother Paul back in 1992. Throughout the time of my marriage to Paul and the time I remained in Greenfield, he was always a good friend to me. He loved his family, especially his kids. He was a good man and will
always have a place in my heart.


Bainbridge, Ohio

I'm not much of a drinker but I remember a time that Tim Fryer and the Swift boy came into Rosies bar and arrested a man that was in there talking about how he could take on the entire police force. Well, he seen those two and didnt give any fight. Tim was a well respected
man and it showed that night. Bout the only two you would see come into the bar there.
We miss you buddy!

Greenfield, Ohio
Sgt. Fryer was a good officer and in my opinion, the best one on the Greenfield Police force.  He is greatly missed and will be hard to replace.


Sgt. Jefferey R. Jury
Greenfield, Ohio

Dec. 25, 2006 was a mile stone in the legacy Sgt. Tim Fryer left for the law enforcement community. Steve Fryer, Sgt. Fryer's eldest son started work at the Highland County Sheriff's Office. His father would be very proud.

Mark Green
Bloomingburg, Ohio
Tim was a very good friend to me we shot trap togather at the gun club there in greenfield. when i heard of his passing i was deeply hurt to have lost a friend and fellow trap shooter. To my friend i will miss you always to your family may the blessing and peace of God be with you now and always

Sgt. James D. Dunn Jr.
Greenfield, Ohio

Tim was a close and dear friend. Tim, Jeff Jury and I went to school together. I started working at the police dept. as a dispatcher. I later got appointed as an auxiliary police officer. I had never shot a handgun in my life. So before I started basic training I went to Tim and he showed me how to shoot a handgun. I was later hired by the City as a full-time officer. A short time later Tim and Jeff were hired as also. Tim and I became the department's firearms instructors. We also instructed at several police academies in the area. Tim was well known for his expertise with firearms. I'm honored to say that Sgt. Timothy Fryer was my friend and co-worker. You are sorely missed my friend.

Sgt. Jefferey R. Jury
Greenfield, Ohio
Tim was my closest and dearest friend. For me to have known him as I did was a privelege, for him to have called me his friend was an honor. I spent the bulk of my career being able to work along side my best friend. Not many people have that kind of oppurtunity in life. We
would laugh about this from time to time; when one would confess to the other "I'd do this for free." Men like Sgt. Timothy Fryer don't come around very often. They are special indeed. I sorely miss my friend.

Brad Adams
Washington Court House, Ohio

I never got the opportunity to meet Sgt. Tim Fryer, as I was hired a couple months after he took a leave of absence. I wish I could have met him because I heard he was a great person as well as a good Police Officer.

Ron Coffey
Greenfield, Ohio

I’ve attended far too many funerals and visitations lately. It’s especially tragic when a person’s life ends prematurely. The loss of Sgt. Tim Fryer of the Greenfield Police Department is an example of a man cut down in his prime (age 42) by cancer. Tim had achieved a lot in his life but still seemingly had a lot of living to do.

I won’t attempt to explain why bad things happen to good people; others far more articulate than I have written books on the subject. I’d just like to make a few comments on what I observed in recent weeks.

When word got around that Tim didn’t have much longer to be with us, I saw an amazing cooperative effort as people from all kinds of backgrounds pitched in to help.

Particularly touching was the fund-raiser at the VFW facility one Saturday. There was a ham and bean luncheon that day, followed by a hog roast featuring the band Cold Iron. A big crowd turned out for the food and music that evening. One of the extra "events" involved the auctioning off of Ptl. J. D. Dunn’s hair. After a spirited round of bidding, the rights to Jimmy Dale’s hair were sold to Donnie Pryor and Phil Whitley. Judge Jeffrey Hoskins even bought the rights to Dunn’s mustache. When all the clipping was done, poor J. D. had no hair on top of his head or above his upper lip – even his eyebrows were gone!

The whole bidding process was funny but touching, as folks from all walks of life – and both sides of the law enforcement "tracks" – were united in their efforts to help a good man and his family.

When Tim Fryer passed away, there was a special police service during visitation at the Murray-Fettro Funeral Home. There I saw some of the toughest men I’ve ever known wiping away tears as they left carnations with their fallen comrade.

At the funeral on July 4, some 60 uniformed officers from area law enforcement agencies were on hand to pay tribute to Sgt. Fryer. It was a very moving service, followed at the cemetery by hymns played on a bagpipe and a 21-gun salute.

Tim was widely acknowledged as a firearms expert and outstanding marksman. His knowledge was widely sought after, and he helped to influence the way that police receive firearms training today. He had friends around the world from his contacts in firearms circles. Locally, Tim was known as an expert investigator, a fair man, and a family man. That’s a pretty powerful legacy.
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