Sustainable Practices and Systems


The Natural Step

The Natural Step (TNS) is a progressive system for moving society and in particular business enterprises and industry, toward a sustainable society. The TNS approach involves Four System Conditions that must be met if we as a society are to achieve sustainability. The TNS approach states:

"In a sustainable society, nature is not subject to systematically increasing:
1. concentrations of substances extracted from the earth's crust;
2. concentrations of substances produced by society;
3. degradation by physical means;
and, in that society. . .
4. human needs are met worldwide.

TNS offers workshops, consulting services, and publications for organizations, governments, and corporations interested in learning more about this approach.

The Natural Step, US
116 New Montgomery Street, Suite #800
San Francisco, California 94105
tel: 415-318-8170
fax: 415-974-0474


Factor Four

Factor Four comes from a book by the same name. More information on factor four from the Business and Sustainable Development web site.  

Factor Ten or Factor X

The Factor 10 Institute and more from Tom Bender on Factor Ten.  

Ecological Footprint

An approach known as "Ecological Footprinting" is the product of efforts at the not-for-profit group "Redefining Progress" in San Francisco. Mathis Wackernagel, Director of the Sustainability Program at Redefining Progress, is the lead author of a study published the week of 24 June 2002 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Redefining Progress
1904 Franklin Street, 6th Floor
Oakland, CA 94612
telephone: (510) 444-3041

Links and -- a nice summary of a presentation of Ecological Footprinting

ISO 14000 and ISO 14001

ISO guidelines are products of the International Standards Organization, a consultative group with members coming from the various national standards organizations in each country. One series of ISO standards with the great relevance to sustainablity is the 14000 series, especially the guides and publications related to ISO 14001.

Links -- a nice ISO 14000 FAQ -- ISO 14000 downloadable manual


Eco-Portal describes itself as "an information gateway empowering the movement for environmental sustainability"


Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)


Global Environment & Technology Foundation

The Global Environment & Technology Foundation (GETF) is making a difference by promoting the development and use of innovative technology to achieve sustainable development. For nearly a decade, GETF has brought industry, government, and communities together to address environmental challenges with innovative solutions.


Global Environment & Technology Foundation
International Center for Environmental Finance (ICEF) -- but basically empty
Environmental Finance Net -- basically empty so far
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